Creating Successful Change

For this it is important to consider, for example, the 10 mandates handed down by Warren Bennis (2000): 1 – Recruit your people with scrupulous honesty. Note that resembles a courtship ritual: the candidate shows his hidden assets and liabilities. 2 – Beware of "crazy." Innovation is seductive, may call eccentric creative exciting as useless or counterproductive. 3 – Promote support peer, new and historical. There is no point playing the role of Noah in the ark and gather a group of elected to start from scratch.

There can be no change without continuity. 4 – Plan change from a solid conceptual basis. Planning is easier to implement. To achieve permanent changes, the process should be gradual. You must have a core of people critical signals are constantly evaluating the organization and the society in which they live, to ensure the continual self-renewal. 5 – Do not order the change. All organizations have a structure that is in the role and that is the people through their relationships. Whoever gets the rhetoric fails.

6 – Do not let the resistance take charge of the pillars of change. Successful change agents ensure that the "old guard" is not afraid of change. As they feel the slightest threat, they start to play dirty. 7 – Know the territory. Learn everything you need to know about domestic policy and plan for "public relations." 8 – Evaluate environmental factors, organizational microclimate. A process of change that creates or increases the discomfort is doomed to failure. 9 – Avoid future problems: Do not forget the past or underestimate this. 10 – Remember that change is most effective when those affected are involved from the plans. Nothing generates more resistance to the impositions. Definitely, definitely Venezuelan entrepreneurs face challenges in this large, products of the changes that have given way to a turbulent domestic scene, where risk, uncertainty manifest sabersele seriously and must deal with actions, strategies, programs to ensure survival not only businesses but create new opportunities that will foster it. Managers should be updated to the new requirements that administrative science has created in order to use the tools that enable them to achieve competitiveness, optimize their resources properly. Should sue the university this new knowledge, with greater integration into the national and international issues in order to make way for own management profile of the time, otherwise companies will be seriously affected, as is already happening. Website: m