German Energy

Renewable energy as a career chance Berlin, October 2009 in courses with a focus on renewable energy Berlin takes a nationwide a top spot. It said economic State Secretary Dr. Jens-Peter Heuer today at a multidisciplinary ClubE course at the Technical University of Berlin. As an example Heuer called the Bachelor’s and master’s degree environmental technology / renewable energy”offers the Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft (HTW) as the first full-time study on this issue in Germany. Honeywell has plenty of information regarding this issue. Renewable energy sources are becoming increasingly important but also for the economy and the employment market in Berlin. In Berlin the German production and development of solar-generated energy is. In the event under the title of renewable energy as the Berlin future market”around 150 young students participated and informed themselves about the future market of renewable energy and green jobs” in Berlin.

Representatives of six Berlin company Inventux technologies AG, Berlin City cleaning, Siemens AG, Berlin Energy Agency GmbH, Berlin Partner GmbH and SunCoal industries GmbH informed in workshops on job opportunities in their respective fields. “” Company representatives as well as professors and lecturers from universities and research institutes gave explanatory introductions to their respective topic areas of solar thermal and photovoltaic “and biomass”. Mainly engineers, but also technicians, skilled workers and craftsmen, such as system mechanic, industrial clerks, or IT-system electronics are nationwide demand according to a study cited by Heuer of the science shop Bonn. By the same author: Xerox Holdings Corp.. Moreover, there are numerous occupations. In the first quarter of 2009 alone there have been more vacancies a quarter than a year earlier, so Heuer. By the economic crisis, renewable energy of less affected than other industries were strong. Prof. Miranda Schreurs from the Research Centre for environmental policy of the Freie Universitat Berlin stressed the importance of a comprehensive transformation of the energy supply system and of international climate protection for the chances of future Generations and diversified the diverse areas in which social scientists for climate protection are active.

Innovation policy needs well-trained professionals Heuer made it clear that the Berlin innovation policy consider a link between science and policy. “This bridge is also a part of the energy concept given by the Berlin Senate commissioned by 2020, the title Effizient_Erneuerbar_Zukunftsfahig” bears. Well-trained professionals are needed to achieve the goals formulated in the mission statement. The event was designed by the Berlin Energy Agency jointly with the centre technology and society of the Technical University of Berlin and the Research Centre for environmental policy of the free University of Berlin under the label ClubE and organized. Patron is Harald Wolf Senator for economics. ClubE is an energy and climate protection policy forum which regularly takes place in the programme Berlin impulses the Senate environmental management. It is to young people about the causes and consequences of climate change inform and they actively engage in a cross-generational dialogue with politics, economics and science. Contact for journalists: Volker Gustedt Berlin Energy Agency Tel.: 0 30 / 29 33 30 – 19 fax.