Internet Table

But suddenly the question appears there: How if it can connect Internet with notebook? The reply it comes through a mini-modem supplied for the operator of broad band who when incased in notebook this anger to recognize the part and to give to total access the Internet of mobile form that is without the necessity of if connecting the handles. the printer as is in one notebook? Perhaps this is the great problem in what it says respect the computers you move the printer not and possible to transform with an accessible price printer common into printers you nowadays move therefore this very custosa technology and for the manufacturer. But if it can carry a work is of school or same of professional ends of a portable computer in the case notebook to be printed matter in a printer of table computer using a device of portabilidade of data that is that it allows to carry itself given can be a COMPACT DISC, DVD, pen drive or same floppy.

Most common nowadays and pen drive a device that when inserted in notebook it makes by means of procedures adopted for the proper user the transference of data for pen drive and this can be placed in any computer of table or furniture independently of any technology you give of that it has standard USB (universal Handle translating the thick way). . This technology of USB allows that if it has carried any thing to any type of computer you give of a great server ties simplest of the computers of table you give of that it has this technology installed in its computer. I conclude this article saying that one notebook can and must be used in the same way that if uses a table computer therefore the operational system of both is identical and possesss the same capacity use varying as configuration of the computer..