During the coming days, Facebook will introduce new controls settings to give more privacy and control to users on their profile, accept or reject a photo, for example, or share certain information with friends or not longer be decision of each person individually. In a press release, where this social network we reported officially, said that these developments have emerged thanks to several generalized requests from users and every time that you add an application, system will prompt the user in a clear and intuitive who can see it?, and this may limit who your contacts or friends can access freely. This change means that configuration controls of the new tools offered by the social network should be so accessible, i.e., present at all times during navigation and not in the privacy options and other sites that look for to configure them; Similarly, all the information that is displayed in the profile (from the date of) birth to any family relationship) user you will have a drop-down menu and you can decide with whom share; This will allow the user to change who your contacts or friends can access to see her or if the next day no longer wants to see him. Facebook has also taken into account connections of the contacts (friends, friends of friends, etc.), to which the groups and different ways to relate to anyone who has an account opened with this social network are managed directly by the user, i.e. can unlink or share any information that has been selected; equally if earlier, when a user is labeled him in a photo and it appeared immediately in your profile, it will now go through a review process and give the acceptance or rejection of the same. . Among some of the novelties we can specify: tag photos for users who are not friends reject or accept a picture in which a user appears labeled before publication add locations to an image control which friends can view each content being shared to specify why you want to delete a tag.