Leadership In The New Age

The new millennium has transformed the practices of organizations and with it the skills and characteristics that the new environment of this global and competitive world business leaders demand features such as: "Understanding economic trends, technological, environmental and social policies and impact on management and strategy of the organization. -Possess ability to formulate strategies that will allow to define a flexible and integrated system of objectives and means that provide vision and mission of the company and its business. -Identify the key factors for implementing organizational changes. -To promote a culture of customer service for internal and external to the institution or company. "Redesign processes, implement organizational learning, greater openness to the approach of 'Empowerment'.

-Self-assessments to determine the impact of their leadership styles and identify personal goals to improve the quality of their contribution to their institution or public company. Today's leader must have a profile very other than the leader for decades, whose pattern was consistent with further control and monitoring. A 21st Century leaders are required a different preparation to meet the needs of modern enterprises, such as: knowledge of more than one language, college, graduate school, computer skills, communication skills and human behavior are some aspects to be considered to be successful and competitive leaders. In order to organize needs to know where it goes, how it will organize, and at each stage to know to lead. You should know a little of everything, and know all the aspects that can affect an organization, be prepared to face it and be aware that as time goes well on the road presented with useful tools to overcome any adversity, there are also obstacles that obscure the view. Then where will demonstrate that it can cope with that and with the team that runs face, counter, and learn from it for future experiences.