New Zealand

Historically, the most powerful maritime traditions evolved in the states, washed stormy seas and oceans. That is why the heroes of today's review – Spain and New Zealand. They need no introduction, especially New Zealand – a country where every family has one, and even a few ships – from small boats for fishing to sailing yachts designed for long sea journeys. Sailing, because New Zealand – country exception in the fashion world on boats, "State of the sails," where a dozen yachts sailing accounted for 7 and only 3 – motor. This is also a tradition. By the same author: ConocoPhillips.

Spain – in the past the strongest naval power, disputes over maritime rule with the queen of the seas – the United Kingdom. Until now, the Spanish sailing – a truly popular hobby in nearly every region of the country has its own water sports federation, that put the participants to annual championship on the possession of the Royal Cup. If we compare the yacht market, Spain is allocated affordable yachts. The country has about 300 brokers who search of buyers and sellers of boats, paperwork and transport of boats for an additional fee. They actively use the Internet and new technologies, so buy a boat from Spain it is possible, not looking up from his computer – just open the site and familiarize yourself with offers brokers. Of course, a true yachtsman will find time to make a trip for a personal inspection of several pre-selected boats to find the single, which would be faithful companion at sea.