Pain Signal

If we accept the theory that the root of the problem is that the body is just out of order, messed up that the neural connections that the interpretation of the pain signal is broken, then the treatment symptomatic medications, unfortunately, will not solve the problem. Here we must act quickly and try to bring the body into balance. So far, none have been found a remedy that can simply balance and to help synchronize all the body systems that they work in accordance with the original appointment. Each drug can have side effects, reactions, effects on internal organs. All of this led to the search for solution to the problem of fibromyalgia non-drug methods. What can be offered to persons affected by fibromyalgia, without psychiatric drugs? Recently there was an innovative system providing the body to return to its original condition when using the mechanisms of adaptation, the organism was able to withstand any stresses and diseases – this is the Imperial chronopuncture.

This method is based on the materials that were used in ancient Chinese healers. The method includes heating of the special points of keys by means of infrared radiation at a certain time, which will be the most favorable to a specific person, based on his personal data, being in a certain naprvlenii, in sequence. Then, in ancient China, these methods were available only to emperors and a very wealthy people, but in our time, this method is available on every person, regardless of its location on the planet, education, social status, education, age, sex, color, religion or belief. All that is needed – it personal computer and access to the Internet. Even if the computer belongs to the grandson or great-grandchildren .. The essence of this method is that all data used in ancient China and the doctors were calculated manually, taking into account ground state bodies and other parameters are absolutely available to everyone. It is only necessary to order the program via the Internet, to introduce her personal information upon request and proceed to the prevention and treatment of diseases but only warming up the points that will give a program at the time, which will give the program and in the sequence.

And where does the infrared radiation? As it turned out, the most accessible source of infrared heat, is a hard-boiled egg. So, having established the program in the computer and get instructions on how to proimeneniyu, will only have to cook only 2 eggs, to find common keys, strictly according to instructions, sit back in right direction (which will also be issued by the program) and start warming up those points. Very soon, you will feel the improvement in general condition, improve the quality of sleep, a burst of energy. For those who, for whatever any reason, chooses not to use the egg, creating a device that is capable of up to simulate infrared radiation and heat levels of chicken eggs, so the effect of heating can be achieved and instrument. There is no need to swallow any medication or, Supplements, herbs, juices and extracts that are known as impact on the body. It should be noted that those who take different medicines should not be arbitrarily discontinued their use, however, soon after the start of the Imperial system chronopuncture, you will need to consult a doctor to review the dosage of drugs previously used in the patient. On Currently, there are several programs and a clear purpose in the near future will come additional software. Programs exist for prolonged use, throughout the year and short-term for 1 months.