Service Technician

It implies to know to mobilize, to integrate and to transfer the knowledge, resources and abilities, in a determined professional context. Fleury (2001) says that the knowledge net where if the individual inserts is basic so that the communication is efficient and generates the ability. Still according to this author, the ability notion appears associated the verbs thus as: to know to act, to mobilize resources, to integrate to know multiples and complexes, to know to learn, to know to engage itself, to assume responsibilities, to have strategical vision. An essential ability necessarily does not need to be based on an academic management, it can be associated the domain of a work process, that is, ' ' abilities specific techniques or knowledge on the work that must be carried through also ability on the organization, to know to organize the flows of trabalho' ' Zarifian (1999 apud FLEURY, 2001) or still, to be considered an essential ability, the knowledge must be associated to a systematic process of learning, that involves discovery/innovation and qualification of human resources. Believing these premises we decide to develop next to the Service Technician of Library and Documentation a qualification project whose objective it was to create a space so that the learning could be stimulated in the people where they could also feel themselves valued and motivated for the work in team. The first step to be given was the definition of the strategy and the necessary abilities so that the learning could be initiated. How to develop the abilities in an organization? According to Fleury (2001) ' ' to answer this question it is necessary to cover the way that goes of the individual learning for the learning in group, for learning in organizao' '. Fleury (2001) affirms that ' ' the learning is a complex neural process, that leads to the construction of memories.