Steel Doors Are A Guarantee Of Your Safety !

Each year a growing number of burglaries and understandable eagerness of people to protect their home and their savings! That is why the demand for armored steel door is constantly growing! First of all, steel doors – it doors that meet the requirements of protection of housing. Since the market appeared the metal doors of Western manufacturers with modern design and nice looking design, domestic manufacturers close took up this new technology for yourself! To date, the production of domestic firms is not inferior to Western counterparts, and even in something greater than them! In Russia there is no mandatory requirement to install protective metal doors as the doors! But due to the increased number of burglaries, are increasingly just like metal structures! Steel doors can be used both as input and as external. And it is not in any way spoil the interior of your home, and can even decorate it, as steel doors can be very different designs, depending on customer requirements and fantasy manufacturer! Options for finishing the surface of these doors, there are many: vinyl leather trim (dermantinom), plastic, wood panels, various types of painting, etc. Steel doors in addition to traditional forms may have an arched shape they can be complementary to the upper transom or side windows! Glazing of the doors of opportunity, but only a special shock-resistant armored or glass! Such iron doors can be put in any premises: in an apartment or cottage, office or utility room or office! As we know steel does not like water, but after proper treatment, can serve for many years!.