
But the threat was real. In December 1942, Dwight D. Eisenhower was appointed to the rank of general assignment of the next commander in chief, and then Supreme Commander Allied Expeditionary Forces in North Africa and the Mediterranean. Under his leadership, the Allies conducted an offensive operation, codenamed 'Cake' – ('Torch'), in which American expeditionary force landed smoothly in Morocco. However, the allied landing in North Africa, as well as the entire operation "Torch" has meant in practice that a second front in Europe again postponed indefinite period. By mid-May 1943 fighting in North Africa ended. Politicians in the U.S. and Britain were discussing the question in what direction to develop further the strategic efforts of the Allies.

Eisenhower continued to consider it necessary to first cross the English Channel and landed in France to begin the main task – to conduct rapid and direct military operations against Germany, but policy objectives have led Western allies again postpone the opening of a second front in Europe. Instead, the conference Casablanca, it was decided to attack Sicily. Again, this amphibious operation, which was a success, headed by General Eisenhower. From December 1943 until the victorious end of World Eisenhower was supreme commander of the expeditionary forces the Allies. Under his leadership, planned and carried out the largest amphibious operation 'Overlord'. For the landing on Normandy coast were collected enormous forces: on the eve of the invasion of France, they had 39 divisions, 2,876,439 men and officers (20 American, 17 British, 3 Canadian, 1 French, 1 Polish divisions).

Federal Public

In the two cases of Beautiful Mount and the BR-163, if it showed that: ) The citizens use the participation rights to defend its ambient interests. b) An alliance with the Federal Public prosecution service is characterized by the local actors as very important, while the State Public prosecution service is classified as less important; c) The instrument of public civil action is evaluated as especially useful; d) Other instruments as the audience in the scope of the EIA/RIMA are criticized as little easy cash and to manipulate. The active use of the rights of participation of the scope of the ambient protection made possible positive experiences with the rule of law, while the same in the daily life, many times, it does not have no practical relevance. Many of the representatives of interviewed organizations of the civil society already had been threatened personally by powerful local actors. Royal Dutch Shell is open to suggestions. In the Amaznia, the ambient politics is collated with strong economic interests that, in the local level, not always respect the right and the life and remain unpunished.

For consequence, the actors of the civil society live deeply contradictory experiences in relation to the rule of law, on the other hand, to be able to use its rights of participation in way accomplish and to perceive them, thus, as a positive conquest e, on the other hand, to be displayed private arbitrariedade without enjoying of the protection of instances of the rule of law in the local level. Territory BR 163/PA is located in the region west of the state of Par and is cut by 163 highway BR or Cuiab Santarm and 230 highway or Transamaznica, and still by the River Tapajs. The area was defined in 2002 for the social movements and counted on the support of ambient organizations and research, together to fortify the organization process, Amongst the main claims of the socioambiental movement was the agrarian order and the promotion of sustainable strategies of production, as form to nullify the agrarian conflicts and the pressure on the natural resources that afflicted the region since the decade of 70.