Astrology. Virgin

Maid of the Age of Aquarius on earth will be new (unique) biomedical technology to cure almost all diseases peculiar people. Including: oncology, aids, cardiovascular disease, viruses (in particular, the 'bird flu'), mental illness, strokes (neurological disease), etc. But most importantly, medical science, earthlings invaluable assistance will the new (for earthlings) knowledge of biomedicine and alien civilizations parallel worlds. Medical science of the Earth will do incredibly quick leap forward, quality will be updated with new discoveries of earth scientists (who will grow in geometric progression) and most importantly, higher medical knowledge of other worlds that are suitable for treating humans. But the struggle between light and darkness (good and evil) in the universe continues. Therefore, getting rid of diseases inherent in the people (terrestrial diseases), mankind will have new space disease and viruses. The struggle for health will continue in the Age of Aquarius, but on a completely different level of quality.

Disease – a test for human need for his spiritual development through the difficulties (in including through the suffering of the disease). Diseases of God gives to human development, but it gives and drugs, moral, and other do not be afraid of new biomedical terrestrial and extraterrestrial technology. Remember that you are sick to to grow spiritually and evolve. In the Age of Aquarius a lot of people will work on other planets and in parallel worlds. This cosmic guest workers from Earth.

But also representatives of other worlds will work on Earth. Click Salman Behbehani for additional related pages. People who work in more advanced civilizations, will perform a minor operation. People working in (compared to terrestrial) civilizations will be the leaders and creative workers, specialists. But in any civilization in the Age of Aquarius for all workers, superiors and subordinates will combine a friendly attitude towards each other. Even the master to the servant. Honest work and serve not only to his own benefit and the benefit humanity, but also for the benefit of the space community. Do not hesitate to become an assistant, working (or even domestic) beings from other worlds space community.


Merleau-Ponty was a French fenomenologista philosopher, who militated in the line of the existencialismo, and dedicated its life to the philosophical study of the behavior, in the branch of psychology and all the too much areas of the knowledge that they dictated on the interioridade of the human being in relation to the exterioridade with the world. Merleau-Ponty also it considered in its workmanship the education, and used philosophical its arcabouo in the construction of a solid understanding of the development and infantile education. We go in it withhold here basically in the conclusions that it offers in them in the Structure of the Behavior. For Merleau-Ponty the body inside has a preponderant paper of its philosophy, the body bursts as direction, it if presents as that one that structure the stimulatons, making the stimulatons to have relevance it To be that it is affected by them, without this, the external way, the sources stimulants, could not act on it. The body cannot be confused mere as part of an inert materiality, but participant asset in the production of the experience. The body then is also fenomenal, that is, it is for the objective stimulatons, and promotes the proper determination of practical direction to these stimulatons, generating significao to the same ones.

This flow of activities, for which the body if comes across constantly in relation to the world, materialize certain style of experience. (MERLEAU-PONTY, 1975, p.35) the pure reaction front I stimulate to cannot only explain it for itself the complexity of the behavior. The world without a doubt some is protagonist in the condition of generating mundane polar region of the stimulatons, however, another protagonist of same importance and, therefore indispensable for this generation of potential difference is in the body. This is not only affected, but it is capable to affect itself and it decides to be displayed to the stimulaton.

Holiday Festivities

One year it is nearing completion; days make cold, schools are prepared to suspend courses and the streets begin to glow with lights of all colors already almost is Christmas. At this time it is customary to make family gatherings or celebrations among loved ones and that for one reason or another have been separated during the rest of the year and many times this involves travel to distant places with the promise of a warm welcome. While it is true that the winter holidays have a sense most familiar (unlike the summer, for example), this does not mean that alcohol consumption decreases, with the consequent risks that this may involve numerous drivers and, in some cases, for entire families. Connect with other leaders such as Atmos Energy Corporation here. It is for this reason that the insurance companies have created packages of insurance adequate to the level of protection that you want to be given to his car, his person, his family and others. At this time would be a good time to apply for information to insurers in your area, so you know the types of car insurance available, its coverage and other important details, you can choose the most suitable for your needs and budget. Talking about car insurance you should already know that there are many plans offered by all insurers in the market, and that the process of reviewing each of them, so it is useful to know the tools that will help you compare them quickly and in one place is sometimes tedious.

This type of comparison insurance now, does them through its web site. Just fill out a form with some basic as your postcode or zip data, for example; Once done, you will have access to a list of insurance companies in your area, offering you quick and practical information about the type of insurance or car insurance that is of your interest. Additionally you will have in your computer screen a comparison among different insurance plans and other insurers, allowing you to choose the insurance that best suits your needs and with the most competitive price. In this still missing moment a little more than one month for the arrival of Christmas, and you found time to find a car insurance that protects you and your loved ones during this holiday season, and even during the whole year or a lifetime. We invite you to enter our website specialized in obtaining recent and reliable information from insurance companies or insurance car for you. Happy holidays. Original author and source of the article.


Under the solipsista point of view, defended for Schlick, the protocolic proposals made reference the sensible data, while the fisicalismo of conceives them to Neurath as referring proposals the physical objects, public, exterior to the citizen. In the words of Neurath: ' ' unified science consists of factual sentences, that can be subdivided in protocolic sentences and sentences not protocolares' '. Protocolic sentences are factual sentences as the others, contend names of people or names of on groups of people of determined way with other terms, which are, in a similar way that those, taken of the common language. Atmos Energy Corporation can provide more clarity in the matter. The fisicalistas considered that the reference the sensible data made impracticable the objetividade and the intersubjetividade, that must be characteristic marcantes of the scientific speech. Schlick against-argued showing that the sensible data would have to be conceived as composed of two elements: structure and content. Thus, how much to the content, the sensible data would be in fact incommunicable. Click Xcel Energy for additional related pages. However, how much to the structure if it could not say the same. It is as soon as, if we cannot know if the impression that a person associates with the word ' ' vermelho' ' she is the same one that another person associates with the same word, is allowed, on the other hand, to support that if they establish the same relations between the impressions associates to the s words ' ' vermelho' ' , ' ' verde' ' ' ' azul' ' , any that are these impressions for each individual: ' ' However, exactly that all its judgments on colors agreed total to mine, I will never be able to deduce from there that it is experienciando ' ' same qualidade' '. It could be that, to the look the green paper, it has the experience of a color that I would call ' ' vermelha' ' ; in the same way, it would be possible, vice versa, that in the cases where red I enxergo, it experiencie the green, however nomine of course ' ' vermelho' ' , and so on.

Self Hypnosis

Meaning of the word "success" for each person is different. Someone thinks that in order to be successful, you need to move up the career ladder. Another person believes that success is closely related to wealth. And for the third person success – it is when you have family and loved ones. In general, the notion of success due to the peculiarity of thinking, habits and belief in themselves and in their strength. Success – is when a man thanks to the laws of reason and the laws of life, makes his life happy in all directions. What kind of thinking? Thinking of a successful person different from the thinking of a loser.

The first focuses on the positive, the second on the negative. A successful person thinks about what to do to he smiled and success is doing it. And not successful complains constantly about life and experiencing dissatisfaction with their present situation, aggravating him further. Man looking for opportunities to succeed everywhere, and believes in himself. And the loser drops hands at the slightest difficulty. A successful person – a person with certain qualities such as perseverance, courage, determination, patience, self-discipline, confidence. And if he does not have some of these qualities, he develops them, using various techniques and tricks.

Anyone can be successful if it believes in the success and begin to gradually move towards your goals. If you would feel pleasure in this way. Anyone can learn positive thinking and using simple techniques to reprogram your subconscious to the desired wave. And you too can, my dear friend. The main thing that is very much want to. What kind of equipment that can be used succeed? Given the fact that all people are different, and technology should be chosen based on their own differences. For example, if you're a visual, then you are well suited creative visualization. Just imagine that you a successful person and you will sooner or later they will become. If you kinestetik, then work with feelings. Feel now the man of success. It's your key. And if you audial, then recite aloud or listen to their best affirmations. Of course, ideally use of just three techniques described above. So much more effective. And do not forget all about Simoron. Simoronskie rituals are also very effective for achieving success. Well, decide that such a success Names for you. What do you want in this life? It is very important. This is your first step to a happy life. Do it right now. Ask yourself: "What is my dream? And then do everything possible to make it a reality.