John Lennon

The order of presentations could be guided by the number of the call or alphabetical order, in accordance with each professor. Each pupil will present its phrase for the group and the presentations will be evaluated through the palms and of the criteria established for the professor. Credit: Atmos Energy-2011. During the presentations, the professor will make the writing of the audio ones using a microphone, computer and the program audacity. In one room moment, after all the presentations, the professor will present for the pupils the condensed one of the writings of the phrases with the use of the computer and the device of sound. At this moment the pupils will make its evaluations on the result of its work, its importance and everything what to judge necessary. The professor will have to evaluate them and of form verbally written, valuing the creativity and the importance of this type of work for the acquisition of one second language.

ACTIVITY 2 Choice the certain word. It disciplines: Computer in classroom directed Activity to work with the letter of music " Imagine" of John Lennon to practise the understanding of texts in English Language. This activity is related with the use of the technological resources such as the Web, Date Show, Computer and device of sound. The objective of this activity is that the pupil is capable to hear and to identify the correct words that are part of the letter of music. Before carrying through this activity, the professor must select a video of music in question, to disponibilizar material printed matter to distribute for the pupils, being that the pupil receives a music with the options that will be selected and another one with the translation from the letter. Three lessons for the execution of this activity will be necessary. First the professor clarifies the group on what it will be work in the lesson and its objectives.

Something Serious

When a person goes to the doctor saying: ” doctor I feel a humming in my head that is to me enloqueciendo” , most probable it is than this person is very scared thinking that the worse thing comes, than has a mortal disease and that to the being in the head surely she does not have she cures. Good, not to be hopeless. Because these hummings are the same that feel in the ears, only that when perceiving itself of stereophonic or bilateral form, the sensation is that the sound comes from the center of the head (midpoint between both ears). These sounds or any other that are perceived of subjective form, are called acufenos or tinnitus. As far as the gravity of the acufenos, he is very comforting to know that a very small percentage of cases corresponds with complex pathologies or of difficult treatment.

And within these rare diseases, the possibilities of life risk are almost null. One of the causes that more fear causes in the patients who say – I feel a humming in my head – is the one of the tumors. For any person the term tumor is synonymous of cancer, and although often this it can thus be, in the case of the tumors that cause tinnitus, this is completely erroneous. The tumor of the auditory nerve, or tumor of Shwann is a benign tumor. It is not cancer because it does not produce metastasis and it is only encapsulated in the cells of Shwann that surround the auditory nerve. This tumor is of slow growth, and although the diagnosis of a tumor always produces chills in the patient, often not even it requires intervention and simply its development is periodically controlled never being able to have the necessity to extirpate it.

In the cases where the tumor has grown of considerable form and exists risk that can press some face nerve, it is come to retire it with a very simple and fast intervention surgically. There is a well-known but very effective method little that is guaranteed to cause that the acfenos disappear for always.

Recycling Technology

Styrofoam recycling technology in the world is widespread packaging made from polystyrene. TVs, computers, stereos and other electrical appliances packed into a lightweight impact resistant blocks made of Styrofoam. Due to the fact that there is no effective technology for recycling polystyrene foam, these lightweight blocks are clean, in many countries, not recycled, they accumulate in the environment and contaminate it. A team of scientists has developed an effective technology for recycling polystyrene foam, which allows production of this secondary polymer raw new organic polymer and, based on a wide range of plastic building materials. The new organic polymer obtained by copolymerization of polystyrene with technological additions. The new organic polymer was dubbed kvintalit. Manufacturing technology kvintalita simple. Polystyrene domestic and industrial waste pre-shredded, chopped expanded polystyrene chippings and processing aids loaded into the reactor volume, which in the process of mixing the components by the synthesis of new organic polymer kvintalit.

Production line is equipped with a serial kvintalita equipment commonly used in similar processes in the areas of company for the production of polymers and plastics. The new organic polymer has a high physical and mechanical properties and technological properties. Kvintalit – a thermoplastic polymer, which is a solid transparent material with a durable, adhesive activity, elasticity, abrasion resistance, resistance and resistance to weathering. For strength and adhesion activity kvintalit superior epoxy. The main graduation form molten tar kvintalita transparent material.

Release of kvintalita in the form of granules and powders of different dispersity. Also made water-based forms kvintalita. Kvintalit can be successfully used as a polymer matrix technology of a wide range of composite building materials. On the basis of kvintalita can be made durable, weatherproof and durable slab and sheet materials, slate, tile, soft roll roofing materials and floor coverings. Can be made from kvintalita mastic roofing and waterproofing materials, sealants. Roofing kvintalita – a high-tech, solid, heat resistant and durable roof. Roofing of kvintalita made directly on the concrete (screed), asphalt concrete without the use of supplementary materials (roofing, powders, etc.). The roof has a high strength, adhesion strength and elasticity. The service life of the roof of kvintalita without replacement and repair is at least 50 years. Method of application is simple. Kvintalit need to pour the concrete (screed) and disperse or brush, or spraying with a pistol – gun. From kvintalita can get high-waterproofing. Kvintalit can be successfully used for sealing joints and connections. The material is a versatile polymer kvintalit building material and, in roofing and waterproofing, and can be effectively used for devices other units and details of construction applications. So, from kvintalita can get solid, durable flooring, linoleum made. The polymer composition of kvintalita be weatherproof and durable facade paint, colorful coatings for interior decoration of buildings, high-quality varnishes and vibration-resistant automotive paints, anticorrosion coating of metal pipes, metal, girders, trusses and other steel structures. Of kvintalita can be made high-strength adhesives formulations of class 'superglue'. As a result of the introduction of technology utilization Styrofoam maloutiliziruemye now household and industrial wastes can become a stable and significant source of cheap raw material for many polymer production of highly polymeric construction materials. We offer interested companies to implement technology utilization Styrofoam and use it to create a new polymer manufacturing building material kvintalita.

Residential Automation

The residential automation is the technology that allows to converge and to manage the resources of a house (illumination, climatization, security, sound equipment, blinds, cameras, bombs of swimming pool, etc) so that the same one executes tasks preset for the inhabitant, aiming at to offer to greater comfort and praticidade. Its beginning if gave in middle of years 80, with the adaptation of industrial and land technology for the domestic use. This became its limited, superdimensionado and expensive use for its new purpose, therefore the power of the domestic equipment is significantly inferior to the used ones in the other cases. However, with the success of this new technological source, the same one if developed the wide steps and became each more diversified time, making possible the accomplishment of practically any automatic task duly preprogrammed. In years 90 the cabeado system was used on a large scale and centered (evolved of industrial and land the systems), that is, all element that if it desires to automatize must be on to a central office of automation through handles. This system brings great trustworthiness, however it is not applicable to the workmanships concluded beyond demanding a similar minute project of englobar and foreseeing everything what it will be automatized. With this, the residential automation erroneamente passed to be treated as something superfluous therefore even though bathtubs, coffee pots and other item of lesser importance had started to be part of the projects, had to the fact not to be able to be enclosed after this phase. With the turn of the century, the first no-cabeados and decentralized systems had appeared whose functioning is trustworthy.

These systems are much more flexible and adaptable, not requiring great projects or previous infrastructure for its installation. They are characterized for making possible a gradual installation, allowing that the person if makes familiar to the system to the few she makes and it if to adapt in the best way to its daily routine. It enters the main systems of this type are distinguished: command for voice, command for radiofrequncia command for PLC, that uses the proper electric wiring of the place to pass through the data (soon we will have Internet saw PLC in Brazil here). Nowadays we find a great one offers of products of the pursuing, of the most varied prices and for the most varied purposes. This always provides specific projects for each person, aiming at to facilitate its day-by-day and turning themselves toward its real necessity. It was the time where the residential automation was an object of expensive and unattachable desire, today it is a tangible reality for any person who if considers to bring more comfort to its home.

Didactic Activity Using Media Printed

Currently one knows that these are not the only bibliographical materials. When making use of the society, of the school, at last of who search to learn more, also exists the periodicals, the magazines, these medias contains a world of information to be transformed into knowledge on the most varied subjects. With the advent, and the expansion of the Internet the majority of printed matters possesss a version online including in this context the magazines, that are sources of brought up to date information, with a clear language and a boarding to interdisciplinar consisting new bases of research, construction and socialization of the knowledge. The Didactic Activity Using Media Printed to follow described was elaborated from the text ‘ ‘ It is time of eleio’ ‘ of the magazine online Science Today for Child. Year of Average Ensino will have to be developed in 1. The same one intends to provide to the pupils the chance to acquire knowledge on the suggested subject and still to start to include in daily of same the o the habit to read informative materials printed matters and to use the laboratory of computer science of the school as well as learning to sail in the virtual world with efficiency and responsibility through the act to thus have access and to sail in different sites and links making use of hipertexto in order to collect information on the subject ‘ ‘ eleies’ ‘ later on other subjects in different situations of learning. OBJECTIVES: Generality: To provide to the pupil the use of magazines printed and online in the acquisition of information/knowledge on the subject ‘ ‘ eleies’ ‘ all the inherent aspects to the electoral process, as well as promoting the understanding on this resource, the magazines, as facilitador element of the process education learning.

The Condition

The others 05 had been with doubt, for they did not make difference, because they had little commitment with the reading when they went for the LIE . ‘ ‘ Pupil Y; ‘ ‘ To read is very ruim’ ‘ name of the authors of the Story. Add to your understanding with Viktor Mayer-Schönberger. For a group of 4 Year, the Story them was familiar to the pupils. Therefore, it was sufficiently satisfactory and efficient for accomplishment of the work. In this perspective, to work in a lesson informatizada takes in them to reflect and to invent another educator with procedures and activities that make possible the education processes learning. The teacher of the participant pupils in the Project of Research if motivates when perceiving that the pair of pupils searchs to cooperate itself enters itself.

Already the researcher capsizes that the computers are spreading out a new form of letramento, but is incapable to satisfy all the intellectual necessities that they stimulate, what it cannot leave of being made. 05. FINAL CONSIDERAES the involved ones in the research had perceived that the rule will always have to be to remember that the advent of the electronic age will not go to substitute the material printed matter, but the search for the easiness of access to the knowledge, having in its front, way printed matter and digital way, reconfiguring new ways to read, to write and to have access the workmanships. Therefore the great majority of the questioned pupils considers book source of knowledge, diversion and happiness. For the total deepening of educating she is necessary to produce air involving that provokes opened the desire to make questioning, that stokes the will to try the new, stimulating to learn the stranger, becoming possible the 19 appreciation and reflection so that it has capacity to think as a conscientious and transforming citizen. This idea to work the reading using the media Book printed matter having the computer as tool for the development of the reading in its screen, was treated to introduce different way of what already it comes being trod, to examine the possibility of awaking interest of the pupils, judging that they need information diversified being them citizens that go to construct its knowledge. from the moment where they had been informed on the research, they had started if to put into motion, to interact with the stranger, had felt that they were ahead of a new situation, and had been impelled if to appropriate of the technologies and the reading knowledge while. The Condition proposal allowed to educandos the access to these technologies and made with that the works, while researcher good had resulted starting to be more pleasant, cultivating the will to study, with motivation and comprometimento.

The difference in the level of learning of the language between the citizens affected the duration of the activity that more was delayed with the citizen less proficient. In fact, it has numerous technological creations that they had not become obsolete the previous ones. The computers foment the material production printed matter.

Microsoft Mathematics

With a great technological advance, the computers had started to be faster, companies with Intel and AMD manufacturers of world-wide famous processors for its excellent products, wanted quicker processing spears, but they had not obtained to break the barrier temperature, that is, to manufacture a more powerful processor would be necessary to coller bigger, so that the same it could be cooled, if the companies adopted this measure to place to coller bigger to each more powerful processor, future the cabinet if she would become a coolant and a computer, being thus had not decided to create two nuclei for each processor, appearing the technology of processors x64 or 64 bits, that carried the double from information of what oldest, leaving of side the processors new two Microsoft Corporation also launched operational system the Seen Windows and the Windows Seven that had given support for the new version of the calculator, that in its new version passes if to call Microsoft Mathematics, launched already in varso 4,0 among others possesss support for system of 32 bits and 64 bits, visual resources that had been improved, and optimum of everything it is that the calculator total started to be gratuitous to all and any user who wants to usufruct of one of the most complete available tools of calculation for download in the Internet. 2.1.2. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE INSTALLATION The table to follow sample the hardware and system requirements that a machine needs to support all the functions of the program, and to offer to principle performance to the user: Table 01 Requisite 2.1.3. INSTALLATION The installation of software is well simple, is enough to execute the MSetup_x86 or Msetup_x64 for computers with processors with support the technology 64 bits, the installer is available in the electronic address, after download executes the program, software on average takes a time of 40 seconds to configure the installation, more approximately 25 seconds to be installed, and if it finishes with the installation of a system component Direct X that it is installed more or less in 23 seconds.

Microsoft Office

When buying a PC, one of the packages that Windows includes is Microsoft Office. The same contains programs like Word, PowerPoint and Excel. Thus it is that you look for work in a small office or for a great company, a requirement that without doubts they will demand to you, will be the knowledge of Microsoft Excel. If on the contrary you are enterprising, this software will help you with the calculations that you need to realise for your company. You do not doubt in inscribirte in a course of Excel in Mendoza or any place where you reside, because he will be to you very useful.

In question Excel? Excel is a software of the Microsoft company, that is including in the package of Office. One is a spreadsheet that takes care to conduct mathematical operations of simple and automatic form. It makes possible to conduct complex operations and he is able to transform numeric data into percentage graphs. Unlike the calculators, the operations that you also do in Excel can contain data written. For example the name of a client, which must and what it takes subscriber of this debt. The data are entered in the call spreadsheet, that is the work area of Excel. This leaf is made up of cells formed by rows and columns.

Each cell numeric data can be entered, alphanumeric texts and data like for example, dates. Each spreadsheet can be kept and be modified the times that are necessary. So that it serves Excel? Excel facilitates the tasks of great companies and any person that needs to conduct mathematical and countable operations, to modify its content frequently and to alter of this form the results, it wants whenever it. This powerful software serves to conduct mathematical operations of simple form, but also to organize, to modify, to store and to turn into graphs the obtained results.

In Brazil

A series of laws (ANVISA) regulates this procedure, and defines 14 a gamma of products that are citizens to the system of quality how much to the potential risk the health in users on the basis of norms techniques NBR-IEC, to be applied to the suppliers of medical products and in the fulfilment of the rules of the document ' ' Good the Practical ones of Manufacture of Mdicos&#039 Products; '. In Brazil as well as in diverse countries attention in the certification of medical products if concentrates before the commercialization. The eletromdicos equipment not yet is citizens the conformity evaluation after the commercialization, in use, done exception to some equipment of x-ray and 15 radiodiagnstico . Lasers of low power characterized by not ionizing the electromagnetic radiation, (monochromatic, polarized and coherent) is studied and used clinically it has more than four decades in the treatments neuro-to articulate and of human fabrics and for being capable to induce a fotobiolgico process, or of bioestimulao, not-thermal and not-destructive they do not modify the cellular functions, being one practical one considered for literature, relatively 16 insurance . Amongst the resultant effect of the equipment the laser 17 with low intensities frequently used in therapeutical processes, exists the adverse ones, provoked for the emission of the radiation laser and that they must be observed how much to the security aspects. In them the ocular effect are enclosed, whose protection must guarantee safe levels of radiation absorption. Norm IEC 60825-1 (NBR IEC 601.2.22) suggests security requirements 18 in eletromdicos equipment the laser, including the ocular protection, based in levels of permissible maximum expositions. Biological effect (physiological, biochemists or induced mannering alterations in an organism, fabric or cell) occur when they are detectable changes capable to be measured in a biological system, after the introduction of some types of stimulatons. The comment of a biological effect 19, not necessarily suggests the existence of a biological danger or a harmful effect to the health, therefore it becomes a security risk if the detectable causes to result in damages to the health of the individual.

Cabinet Virtual

Currently, the hardwired Requiorecebe monthly a 1,1 average a thousand messages of all the cantos of the Paran, all is directed directly for its Blackberry. Although pareahumanamente impossible, all the messages are chores for the governor and its fielescudeira and, according to Marisa, none is without reply. Of all the mensagensrecebidas ones about 20% are answered directly the citizens, however, amaioria 80% are directed for the competent agencies, therefore, still, aspessoas does not know the attributions of the governments much less to conseguemdistinguir the spheres municipal, state and federal. For example, at time dedeclarao of payment and income tax of IPTU our governor tires to dereceber messages, when in the truth the taxes say respect to the governofederal and municipal theatre, respectively. The canal is not benficoapenas for popular participation: for intermediary of the messages, Requio, also controls the work and ability of its secretaryship.

All asmensagens are folloied until its reply and the secretaries fear each vezmais the control for the governor and, mainly for the citizens. He was almost giving up, passed five days of the request, somebody of ' ' Cabinet Virtual' ' of it life signal prefeitodeu, is obvious that also he was an assessor and it took care of for the deSilvestre favour, only this. Naivety mine to wait that the proper Richarespondesse the question, after all it needs to manage 75 quarters (sic). As who does not have dog caacom cat, I was happy with the return of the Sylvester, explained who me that oprocesso of reply exactly is delayed depending on the question, at last, not hdiferena in sending an email or a letter to the mayor. During the year of 2008 (electoral year), Beto Richa, received about 3 a thousand messages, being 85% delasrespondidas in accordance with the assessor. ' ' Virtual&#039 cabinet; ' tambmacumula e-mails that they are not of direct ability of the municipal government. But, inside of what it is, a good exploitation of the suggestions and crticasrealizadas by the citizens exists.

Between the suggestions that they turn public politics sedestacam to the come back ones to the transit of the city, as implantation of traffic lights, equipment installation of security in that is, the coitado one must be receiving many messages later noescndalo from Box 2 of its campaign. Exactly that the intention noseja to compare or to measure the level of satisfaction between the governments municipal eestadual, until why the structures and abrangncias they are distinct, gentepercebe that in all the spheres (also the federal one), the allied TICs are nabusca of a transparent and modern public administration, therefore the administration dofuturo is managemental and not bureaucratic. She is clearly that when we vote and elegemosdeterminado governor we wait of it work, transparency and gestodemocrtica. We do not vote in them to be reading e-mails the entire day