Virtual DAnatomical Museum

New distance learning technologies are gradually becoming part of our lives. Innovations in education are designed to assist in the preparation of competent and competitive professionals. In biology in general, and in the anatomical science in particular, learning is primarily based on the real drugs. Study the structure of the bones on the picture you can of course, but here as practice shows, learning from the textbook focus on the real object rather difficult. Therefore, despite the fact that the Internet today there are many sites of anatomical museums, the possibility of using them in the learning process are limited. However, the development of technology is not standing still, and today there is an opportunity to study three-dimensional models of organs and structures. Especially a lot of three-dimensional models can be found for the human anatomy. In the study of zoology and anatomy of the same animals, the number of available high-quality three-dimensional models is small.

Therefore, the basis for training in this area still are flat images. Of course, the students in specialized high schools have the opportunity to work with real drugs, but life drugs that are in "active use" short-lived, so a set of drugs is often incomplete, and the demonstration material is damaged. So in a famous university students studying veterinary skeleton horse, the bones of which was replaced by bone cow. It is clear that the quality of the knowledge gained in this way, say no. As for example, school children, on the biology classes, they almost always have to teach the subject only speculative, on the textbook.

Fill shortage of teaching materials can help a virtual 3D-anatomical museum department of anatomy of the Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine. By registering on the site and download a special program that anyone can get into the 3D-space of the anatomical museum. Unlike the real museum, the exhibits you can take hands, viewed from all sides take apart and assemble again. Another feature of the 3D-anatomical museum is that it can be organized as separate classes and lessons with a teacher and even guided tours. On the basis of the virtual museum and scientific conferences and organized correspondence courses of biology and statistical data processing in a biological experiment.

Country Houses

Country houses of planed lumber it is usually made from pine, spruce or pine wood and is strong enough material for the erection of wooden buildings, whether directly or bath house wall of this type homes, depending on how big this very board, can be 200 and 150 mm thick. Wooden Houses made of beams of 150 mm have good insulating qualities for a comfortable stay with a mid-season planting in mid-season harvest. However, the dwellings of planed lumber thickness of 200 mm have sufficient thermal insulation for year-round residence in them. Salman Behbehani pursues this goal as well. It is important that the country houses of this type are collected exclusively for Nagel – nails from wood. Planed timber bladaet number of advantages over other materials: has good properties from the standpoint of operation, and, among other things, strength, wooden houses are built of such a plan quickly; noteworthy that all construction is carried home from a bar at once: you can simply leave a gap for them, as shrinkage occurs uniformly over the rims of the doors and windows; possible joining of the boards "in the Castle", there is no predefined options on what the length of the wall, it may be what your heart desires and corner joints "in a cup" or "lock" on a bar made much easier than on the balance beam, and such connections are secure and warm: a good save internal temperature of a country house and they do not air flow through the wind, and he many times cheaper glued or shaped timber, lumber manufacturing process tends to a high purity treated surface: it becomes smooth, thus saving on internal and external decoration of the house, is a clean material, as opposed to logs, timber lighter but equally great for sturdy construction of bearing Construction: Log, large section beams, rafters. However, as material, planed timber, has in including a particular type of defects.

On its side surfaces on the results of shrinkage cracks can appear. Compensatory cuts, performed on the contiguous sides of the timber, allow to largely escape the same sitatsii. Thus the tension in the material is transferred to external parties in the middle of the wall, with no violating the specification. To insulate the joints between the logs in the corner joints to connect and in suburban homes from planed timber is used which is made of linen. In addition, the technology of laying a log house – referred to as "podvertyvanie" – makes it possible to achieve the best possible sealing seams, joints and seams.

Disadvantages Of Method Of Fire-resistance Rating Ognez

Since ancient times, wood structures were considered extremely flammable. Suffice it to recall the many fires that repeatedly destroy entire cities. That's why some people have started to abandon Wood in favor of buildings made of stone, brick and other combustible materials. However, to protect the wood from the fire people have started recently. The answer to the question, "and whether it is necessary to protect the wood from the fire?" Obvious. Of course it is necessary.

But this should be done soundly. Salman Behbehani shines more light on the discussion. And then there are questions. For example, what it means to protect? Or it means "soundly"? Does any woodworking officially admitted to this means (ie, having the appropriate certification) and ways to really provide fire protection? On what basis is a measure of the quality factor of a two-minute fire protection fire effects? Why not five minutes, as in the method of OTM, or 10 minutes, as in GOST 30244-96 (method II). Questions can be multiplied indefinitely – it would wish. But it is impossible not to ask the big question: ognezaschischennaya wood – it's the same wood (T4, T3, T3, D2-D3) or other construction material? There is no doubt that the majority of existing professionals do not hesitate to answer: "Well, of course, is another building material!". And thus provoke yet another bunch of questions. For example, why the fire rating of properties is limited to one characteristic – a group of fire protection, rather than test methods, 4-5, as for all other building materials? Or, worse yet, a primitive test of the flake thickness of 1 mm to almost toy set, made in based on conventional lighters! If you choose the first option (ognezaschischennaya wood remains the same timber), it is not quite clear why the group needed fire protection, fire risk if property is not changed (still the same wood with its inherent flammability performance, flammability, toxicity, etc.).

Ironing Equipment For Dry Cleaning And Laundry

Today, equipment for dry cleaning and laundry services includes the most modern units capable of qualitatively and quickly make your underwear and clothes neat and fresh look. Things that come to the laundry or dry-cleaned, sorted, by type of tissue and the peculiarities of care, and then applied to them the necessary exposure. Remove dirt, stains wash helps laundry equipment. This washing machines, which work with water, washing and bleaching agents. (As opposed to Ray Kurzweil). Launder clothes dried in the drying machines. A final form of the underwear makes ironing equipment. For professional ironing in laundries and dry cleaners use different types of equipment.

For the direct use of linen flatwork ironer or mangle. They vary in diameter of the shaft and the working width. In contrast to the rink, ironing mangle iron wet clothes may not have fully dried in the dryer. Ironing speed is regulated by a control panel device. Ironing light shoulder of products – shirts, blouses and apply sorochechnye complexes. This equipment allows to iron shirts with the rate of 1 product per minute. To ironed various shoulder and waist, wrinkle-free products and wrinkles and give them the veneer, apply paromanekeny.

Clothing is fastened to paromaneken with the help of clamps, after which the fabric is fed from inside the hot air mixed with steam. The technology features high performance – with the help of steam-air dummies can otglazhivat 90 items per hour. One of the modern types of ironing machines for professionals is the ironing board. This high-tech system for "smart" ironing, which has different functions: steaming, vacuuming, blowing. The vacuum pump and fan can significantly increase the performance of wet-heat treatment of various products. Ironing tables can be rectangular, cantilevered, have a special design. To handle the curtain curtains are ironing tables. Table surface is covered with a special material, which has anti-static effect, accelerates and facilitates the processing of laundry. Use for special professional ironing equipment allows achieve high results and achieve perfect form any type of linen and clothes.

Special Equipment

Manufacturing enterprises need to be sufficiently large park specialized equipment. In most cases, purchase of equipment does not become a problem because the proposals in this market in Russia and abroad quite a lot. But sometimes it is necessary to acquire the technique is not typical, but specially made for specific needs of the manufacturing process. Then the only way to order equipment for special needs. Fortunately, in our country, even this task is not insurmountable. When conducting a thorough market analysis, as well as search suggestions, you can find a plant metal, production of which specifically focused on the execution piece and individual orders, rather than on the conveyor. When working with a contracting customer is in a very advantageous position. This equipment generates directly under its requirements under the size of its production facilities and so on.

In this case, he can choose a complete set of industrial machines, so as not to overpay for some completely unneeded functions. But this is necessary for specific objectives of this equipment will perform as reliably. And while the price of steel, made to order, can be even lower (thanks to the fact that it will produce exclusively target the action). If the production company will be able to equip all of its shops such machines, it will have significant savings. And plus get a much better quality of its products, which give it a competitive advantage. And against the backdrop of the possibility of lower prices (as the cost of purchasing the park stage technicians were lower, and depreciation of equipment may be conducted with less strain on the consumer) it has already identified the possibility of winning a segment of the market. In this approach individual professionals metal factories, which will be made the order, and also guarantees the reliability of technology itself, that Again, in the long run reduce costs. Moreover, if special equipment to create a customized, that is usually included in the cost and installation of the installation, which defines more additional benefits. As a result, must conclude that the individual orders of the production equipment are much more justified than the purchase of finished products. it may relate to the steam generators, drying equipment, furnaces for disposal of biological waste and other similar techniques.

The Shell

One kilogram of solid PVC allocated 350 liters of gaseous hydrogen chloride, which when dissolved may give more than 2 liters of concentrated (25%) hydrochloric acid. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Ann Davies. For cable insulation use a soft polyvinyl chloride plastic compound, or a cable. This material contains 50% of various additions (plasticizers, etc.), which strongly alter the combustible properties of the polymer. Plasticizers are already beginning to evaporate at 200 C and light up. The chlorine content is reduced to about 35%, and it is not enough to prevent the spread of fire.

However, with a strong separation of hydrogen chloride solid polyvinyl chloride, removed from the source, not light and fire is extinguished. Due to temperature changes, drawn, created in the cable shafts, gases containing hydrogen chloride are carried away from the fire, penetrate the shield and hardware space and settle on the equipment. In early 1980s, requirements for fire safety cables were reduced mainly to the proliferation of combustion products along the length of cable laid singly or in bunches. To do this, the shell used cable products made of flexible PVC grades O-40, GOST 5960-72 (VVG cables, AVVG, the test compound sample length of 130 mm, 10 mm and a thickness of 2 mm is introduced into the flame of a gas or alcohol burner by keeping him in a flame at an angle of 45 ignition after the sample was pulled out of the flame should go out after not more than 30 seconds) and 30-32 PNC (PNC 40-32) (TU 1328-86).

Thermal Disposal Of Medical Waste

Thermal decontamination of medical waste under the health-care waste includes all types of waste generated in: Hospitals, (city-wide, clinical specialist), dispensaries, clinics (adults, children, dental), ambulance stations, blood transfusion stations, long-term care for patients, pharmacies, pharmaceutical companies, health agencies, veterinary hospitals, health care facilities, institutions, court-med. expertise, laboratories, research institutes and medical schools, private clinics. Number of medical waste generated in health facilities, depend on the profile health facilities. In infectious TB hospitals and the actual volume of waste is much higher than the norms prescribed for general hospitals. Availability of health facilities in specialized units also increases the amount of factions of medical waste: for example, blood transfusion stations usually have elevated content of polymer waste. The problem of disposal of medical waste due to a number of factors that to consider when choosing a method, means and mode of disposal.

When choosing a method of waste disposal should be considered: – type of waste (biological fluids, organs, leftover food, dressings, clothes, bedding, packaging, medical disposable products, etc.) – form of contamination (bacteria, fungi, viruses, spores of bacilli) – bacterial resistance to physical and chemical agents, most common method of disposal of medical waste Russia still remains Chemical decontamination (disinfection with duly registered disinfectants) to disinfection of medical waste treatment choice, ensuring the destruction of all types of bacteria in the vegetative form of viruses. In the TB facilities, laboratories should provide an additional death causative agent of tuberculosis, a mycological health facilities – pathogens fungal diseases in surgical, trauma units – agents of anaerobic infections. Main disadvantages: incomplete destruction infective in the mass of medical waste; risks of environmental pollution by dumping chlorine disinfected waste; the formation of dioxins from waste incineration treated disinfectants, the unit cost of disinfectants (per ton of waste), as well as the cost of preventing potential environmental damage costs are higher than those for other methods of decontamination. WHO recommends a shift from the use of technologies related to chemical disinfection. Optimal technology for disposal of medical waste suggested as thermal treatment.

Combustion (incineration). In Currently, the EU Directive on the incineration of waste from the city 12.04.00 2000/76/CE. WHO requires: a ban on burning materials containing chlorine (containers for blood, intravenous catheters, plates, etc.) or heavy metals such as mercury (thermometers); preheating of waste incineration at t 800 C and above; sorting. Installation for thermal treatment of waste incinerator is equipped with a camera dizhiganiya flue gases and gas cleaning system. Domestic incineration (disposal) of medical waste – Incinerator IN-50 (Development Joint Stock Company 'Tourmaline', St. Petersburg). The main types of waste to be destroyed: solid, liquid, pasty, chemical, medical, pharmaceutical production wastes, biological. Performance settings – from 40 to 5000kg / h. Small incinerators IN-50.02K capacity 20-40 kg / h are placed in a 20-foot shipping containers. Today, volume destruction (disposal) of hazardous and extremely hazardous wastes health facilities is negligible compared to the real way. Russian law does not contain the concept of "medical waste", which is why "Dangerous goods" generally discarded in ordinary containers and taken to landfills. Need to streamline regulation of the formation of medical waste at the level of the Federation, to prohibit transfer of wastes of classes B, C in Class A waste refuse sterilization in hospitals, going to the centralized collection and disposal of hazardous medical waste.

International Committee

The control system of the CNC machine. Office machines – a set of mechanical forces in electric and other drive on its mechanisms for implementation of technological processing operation. Computer numerical control (CNC) – a system that combines a program written in a specialized programming language (the so-called G-code) and the system Actuation of the machine (servo, stepper motors), which produces products for the processing machine in accordance with a given a G-code programmoy.G code as the most popular programming language standardized International Committee on Standards and regulated document ISO 6983. Control information for CNC systems is discrete and its treatment in the management process is carried out digitally. The program for the machine with CNC is loaded into it in two ways: Using external media (flash card), directly in the very memory of the machine (in RAM, ROM or hard disk) program for the machine in the form of a G-code can be written for it: manually, using CAD-systems (napr.Kompas – 3D) with 'perekonvertatsiey' data in the CAM-system (napr.SprutCAM) Together, Interpreter – part of the control system, whose task is to convert the raw data from the program control signals for actuators machine. Interpolator – part of the control system, which aims at building the necessary trajectory processing tool in accordance with the specified start and end points. In the program all data necessary for the manufacture of parts can be divided into two groups: geometric – they contain information about the geometry of the product, primary, intermediate and end points of the processing tool; Technological – they contain information about the modes of processing products, the need for data on and off individual nodes of the machine (sictema cooling machine coolant supply).

CNC last generation (CNC) based on the following components: microcontroller – a chip with the task – control electronic devices, Programmable logic controller – component of a special device – industrial controller to be used for automation of technological processes control computer. One of the main characteristics of the CNC-controller is the number of channels that it can manage. Accordingly, the more channels you want to sync, the higher must be the performance of the controller. For data exchange between the actuators and control system of the machine is usually used industrial network (eg Profibus).

Shandong Coal

Crusher industry makes constant structural adjustment Currently, under the strong support of a series of national policy, Guizhou, Shanxi, Shandong and other coal-rich regions have carried out adjustment on development pattern, promoting the trend of mergers and acquisitions, transformation and upgrading in coal industry. The crusher industry is the core driving force in the coal industry, we need to pay attention to the dynamic, strengthen the capability of independent innovation and scientific and technological progress so that we can firmly grasp the opportunity to get better. Coal market demand substantially increases, industry development and investment s arises, the size of the mining machinery industry is also expanding. But coal prices suddenly drop dramatically and substantial inventory increases, so the coal industry gets into a difficult period and the competitive pressures for crusher industry increases. Therefore, the industry begin to implement green mining and build ecological coal mines; and rely on building a large modern coal mine and the safe and efficient mine, eliminating backward production capacity, and taking other measures to increase the integration of the coal industry adjustment efforts to promote the healthy development of the coal industry. Facing the good opportunities of coal industry is consolidating and accelerating, crusher industries also continue to carry out structural adjustments, introduces state-of-the-art technical level, build quality crusher equipment and lay a solid foundation for the crusher industry prance. Hongxing Machinery Co., Ltd. as a professional mining machinery leader through continuous innovation and R & D, integrates world-class science and technology and produces various types of cone crusher, impact crusher, mobile crushing station, which not only to meet the development of coal resources and improve production efficiency; but also have advantages of energy saving and environmental protection, reducing environmental pressures. Royal Dutch Shell has firm opinions on the matter. The crusher industry will also keep up with the pace of the times trend, research and develop high-tech, build world brand, maximize economic efficiency and competitiveness, thus speeding the integration of the coal industry.

Communication Technologies

Now, whether we like it or not, we all live in an information society. In this case, the opportunities that are now opened, used very little. Our task – to "develop" the information society in order to meet needs that people have who live in our country. First of all, young people receiving education, academics, researchers, teachers, and teachers. We must teach people since childhood and at all stages of the educational process not to be afraid of this information, to learn to use it, to work with it and dispose of properly. Informatization of education and science is part of a global process. Information and communication technologies are recognized worldwide key technologies of the XXI century, which in the coming decades will be the key to economic growth in the state and the main engine of technological progress. In early 2009, the Kremlin hosted the first meeting of the Council for Development of Information Society under the Russian President.

The decree establishing it was signed in November 2008 opened the meeting, Medvedev stressed that no progress and modernization is impossible without IT, "it concerns the scientific and technical spheres, and the actual issues of governance and even the strengthening of democracy in the country." Speaking about the development of information technologies in social sphere, Medvedev DA said his "… it is very important to learn to enjoy all the new technologies. This is the number one not only for students but for teachers – all of retraining should be focused on the use of modern technology. " What could be the projects based on ICT: – Distance Learning – Virtual communication – Networked Economy and Education – The opportunity for self-education – A large number easily accessible information. Before the Russian education system faces a number of important issues, among which are: – the need to improve the quality and equal access to educational resources and services all citizens regardless of their place of residence, ethnicity and religious belief – creation of information environment, meeting the needs of all segments of society in obtaining a wide range of educational services, as well as the formation mechanisms and the necessary conditions for the introduction of the achievements of information technology into everyday educational and scientific practice – the mass ICT in education and science, the use of new educational content and new technologies for education, including distance education technologies.