Catholic Church, Theological, David Berger, And Homosexuality

Notes to the “coming out” of the “gay” David Berger, former editor of “Theological” of Catholic writer and religion teacher Dr. David Berger (…) outed himself as “gay” and at the same time turned in sharp form against the Church position on homosexuality. The long sweeping blow of force so far as traditional and conservative theologians sparked no little astonishment and horror in the Church faithful spectrum of in Germany, but until recently for many years underpinned the demanding magazine “Theological” committed the Church and its teaching white and this always with contributions from church-friendly professors and authors led Berger. So announced the anti-clerical publicist Felicitas Rychlewski, Chairman of “Christoferuswerk e.V.”, Munster, on April 27, 2010 in a release of the Jewish News Agency “European Info Press”. This includes some notes: 1 staff referred to the formation of the so-called “Second Vatican Council” (V2) as the “Catholic Church”.

Although currently most likely is the V2 fabric is indeed due to sexual abuse cases in conversation, his core but radical renunciation of the Catholic faith: in numerous extensive and especially given impossibility remaining unwiderlegt studies so-called “Sedisvakantisten” have proven clearly that the V2 fabric (agree, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic) has not the marks of the true Church, i.e. not the Catholic Church. Only a mosaic that is the visible head of the V2 entity, currently alias Joseph Ratzinger “Benedict XVI”, accordingly also not Pope. 2. “Theological” was definitely since the 1980s (then only became available.” Theological “know) not”sophisticated magazine”, on the contrary: the authors tried while desperately, but it inevitably always unsuccessfully, to sell, such so-called”conservative”paint the V2 fabric but as the Catholic Church.” S such as Johannes Dormann, the in different fonts with the open apostasy by Karol Wojtyla alias “John Paul II.” at the so-called “world day of prayer of the religions in Assisi” (1986) employed: DCosta, showed that the “God of Assisi” is not the God of the Bible, moved it but apparently no consequences.