
14 Create your own affiliate program. This is one of the best ways to generate traffic and sales on your Web site. Here is a proven technique that when you have an affiliate program your subscribers will want to earn a Commission by offering your products through an affiliate link that you have created under your program. It is a viral marketing concept since your product walks across the network because its promoters will walk in search of a Commission. There is a concept that I want it to apply here: I want to win 50%, 25% 1000 sales made by my subscribers, I want to win 100% of a single sale with all my effort.

It is better to have a team of collaborators working for you, you only work for 100% of your sales, I hope that you understand this concept of viral marketing and give to your affiliates the possibility of generating income for them and income for you. 15 Provide ebook your visitors. The ebook offered your visitors have become an incentive or ethical bribe where they receive by the mere fact of leave you your name and email in your Opt-in or form of subscription, this procedure makes grow your list of visitors to your Web site, once performed the procedure this visitor happened to be part of your list of prospects which apart from that moment you will have the contact information for future marketing. 16 Provide free forums. Online forums with a large number of participants that can be very useful in application of the technique of viral marketing. The forums are sources of essential knowledge where people are looking for clear and concise information to meet a need.

In the forums people through their active participation apply a concept that more forward study: Branding. It is simply create an idea of your brand of business or personal brand in the mind of the visitors, this concept is used to promote their products and services, generating traffic to your Web site, to create a great customer base. 17 Social networks, Facebook, Twitter. Social networks have become a great source of viral marketing. It is disseminating information instantly, among your friends and followers, there will be people with your same interests social and business that will be attracted towards you, who at one point used for the purposes of creating your list of followers and fans, which is one of the strategies that later teach you straight where you can profit from these social networks. Before that you go I would like to draw your attention, if you liked this article, and what time has value, I invite you to share it or leave me a comment about how this article has helped you to you.