Communication Technologies

Now, whether we like it or not, we all live in an information society. In this case, the opportunities that are now opened, used very little. Our task – to "develop" the information society in order to meet needs that people have who live in our country. First of all, young people receiving education, academics, researchers, teachers, and teachers. We must teach people since childhood and at all stages of the educational process not to be afraid of this information, to learn to use it, to work with it and dispose of properly. Informatization of education and science is part of a global process. Information and communication technologies are recognized worldwide key technologies of the XXI century, which in the coming decades will be the key to economic growth in the state and the main engine of technological progress. In early 2009, the Kremlin hosted the first meeting of the Council for Development of Information Society under the Russian President.

The decree establishing it was signed in November 2008 opened the meeting, Medvedev stressed that no progress and modernization is impossible without IT, "it concerns the scientific and technical spheres, and the actual issues of governance and even the strengthening of democracy in the country." Speaking about the development of information technologies in social sphere, Medvedev DA said his "… it is very important to learn to enjoy all the new technologies. This is the number one not only for students but for teachers – all of retraining should be focused on the use of modern technology. " What could be the projects based on ICT: – Distance Learning – Virtual communication – Networked Economy and Education – The opportunity for self-education – A large number easily accessible information. Before the Russian education system faces a number of important issues, among which are: – the need to improve the quality and equal access to educational resources and services all citizens regardless of their place of residence, ethnicity and religious belief – creation of information environment, meeting the needs of all segments of society in obtaining a wide range of educational services, as well as the formation mechanisms and the necessary conditions for the introduction of the achievements of information technology into everyday educational and scientific practice – the mass ICT in education and science, the use of new educational content and new technologies for education, including distance education technologies.