Didactic Activity Using Media Printed

Currently one knows that these are not the only bibliographical materials. When making use of the society, of the school, at last of who search to learn more, also exists the periodicals, the magazines, these medias contains a world of information to be transformed into knowledge on the most varied subjects. With the advent, and the expansion of the Internet the majority of printed matters possesss a version online including in this context the magazines, that are sources of brought up to date information, with a clear language and a boarding to interdisciplinar consisting new bases of research, construction and socialization of the knowledge. The Didactic Activity Using Media Printed to follow described was elaborated from the text ‘ ‘ It is time of eleio’ ‘ of the magazine online Science Today for Child. Year of Average Ensino will have to be developed in 1. The same one intends to provide to the pupils the chance to acquire knowledge on the suggested subject and still to start to include in daily of same the o the habit to read informative materials printed matters and to use the laboratory of computer science of the school as well as learning to sail in the virtual world with efficiency and responsibility through the act to thus have access and to sail in different sites and links making use of hipertexto in order to collect information on the subject ‘ ‘ eleies’ ‘ later on other subjects in different situations of learning. OBJECTIVES: Generality: To provide to the pupil the use of magazines printed and online in the acquisition of information/knowledge on the subject ‘ ‘ eleies’ ‘ all the inherent aspects to the electoral process, as well as promoting the understanding on this resource, the magazines, as facilitador element of the process education learning.