Didactic Book

Deep quarrel exists on the use of the didactic book, as main pedagogical resource in the education of History. Hear other arguments on the topic with Mark Rein Epic. The didactic books of History are questioned since middle of century XIX, for possessing litogravuras of historical scenes many not condizentes times to the texts and writings. Alina de Almeida follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. However according to Prof. Alain Choppin, ' ' The didactic books are not only pedagogical instruments: they are also products of social groups that they look, for intermediary of them, to perpetuate its identities, its values, its traditions, its culturas' '. According to author of the text in question, currently the didactic workmanships are repletas of illustrations that, seem to concur in space search, with the written texts. Although the introduction of engravings and maps in the education of History exists has about a century, and the multiplication of images presented currently as material didactic is important in the historical culture and pedagogical pertaining to school, the reflections on result that effectively reaches in the education process still is doubtful, therefore the specialists divergem very and the quarrel is scarce. In the direction to reflect on part of these questions, the author in the text, ahead presents some consideraes on the set of images, more common in the daily pertaining to school, provoking deep investigations of the educational analyses. Such as: The images complement the texts or only serve as illustrations? How are carried through the readings of images in didactic books? They are not only engravings it are of a context that they aim at to become the pages most attractive for the young readers? Which objectives? In the obstante as much investigation, could add plus one; to substitute the didactic book for what? (for many professors, in face of the unpreparedness, time, I number extreme of schools and others, the didactic book is the salvation of the farming). For the author of the text in commentary, the didactic book has been object of contradictory evaluations in the last times. They exist those that abominates (but use.) those that defend as main aid for the masters, over all in basic education.