FLAD Communication

“Herold Berger of communications professionals secure second annual multimedia award consecutive Award for interactive desktop application your future of Electromobility Heroldsberg, one of Germany’s most creative digital agencies receives 21 November 2013 for the second time in a row” (WEAVE / / PAGE ranking 2013) the recognised industry award for inventiveness and multimedia skills. FLAD & FLAD communication, Heroldsberg, was in the category of desktop applications for the conception, creation and technical implementation of the training software of your future electric mobility”on behalf of the technical Academy Schwabisch Gmund (TA) with the annual multimedia 2014 in Silver Award. The award is an important signal to our creative team, that the mix of a deep understanding of science and technology communication paired with the innovative online communication skills has agreed this year. This again was”a really good cocktail, which apparently tasted by the members of the jury, Simone Schiebold, forward managing partner of FLAD & FLAD communication group. The annual multimedia award 2014 for the TA training software for moderated use of a digital experiment workshop for young people between 14 and 20 years that will be obtained for a career in the field of electric mobility, continues the success story of Herold Berger. Last year there were for the complex presentation software Smart grids”on behalf of the Swiss ABB group, a digital vision of the power of the future with intelligent network – consumers, energy producers, ever silver.

That with the annual multimedia award 2014 excellent desktop application for the mobile training center of the TA playful provide basic knowledge about electric mobility and breaks down barriers to new technologies. The software combines information about modern technology with environmental and social issues and scores through an intelligent navigation structure. A TED system young people to their opinion on selected issues enter directly, what all Very well received participants regardless of age, level of knowledge and interest. The project of the technical Academy Schwabisch Gmund is one of about 40 projects in the shop window of Electromobility Baden-Wurttemberg and is funded by the Federal Ministry of education and research (BMBF) within the framework of the Federal Government’s showcase initiative. “About the annual multimedia award of the independent annual multimedia award which honors Berlin Walhalla Metropolitan publishing group outstanding multimedia projects, then in the year book for digital marketing” will be presented. An expert jury evaluated the submissions understandability, usability, creativity, originality, and technical creative execution. The contest illustrates the digital advertising year since 1996, documented the State-of-the-art and has ground-breaking work. He gives answers to questions according to current standards, opportunities and perspectives for the future of the digital brand communications. The Yearbook annual multimedia 2014″, in which the award-winning TA training software your future electric mobility” will be presented by FLAD & FLAD, appears in December 2013 in the Walhalla specialist Publisher.