Family Holistic Advertising

75 years in the communications business: The Frankfurter WEFRA advertising agency GWA celebrates birthday. While many Agency owners sold their homes to large, international networks in recent years, the Agency is still in family hands opts for independence. More information is housed here: Atmos Energy. Also very impressive for the fast-moving communications industry age is considered not as a problem but as a challenge: the synergy of great experience and strong innovation is a tension that favors our customers every day. 75 years of owner-managed our work and relationship with our customers characterised with a hochtsmoglichen expertise in the healthcare”, so Matthias Haack, managing partner of WEFRA. It’s believed that Marcus sees a great future in this idea. Under the umbrella of WEFRA, 5 specialized agencies are located: the network the WEFRA include classic WEFRA media, WEFRA PR, WEFRA consult, and WEFRA publishing as each stand-alone companies,.

These are small enough to act flexibly, brave and progress-oriented and with 50 Employees in large enough, extensive and very complex projects implement can. Over 50 employees work every day for about 100 customers, mostly from the healthcare and the dental industry. Cargo Charter trust but also companies such as MANPOWER, Dunlopillo, Innovex or Lufthansa in their communication fully WEFRA. WEFRA advertising agency GWA Frankfurt on the main R. Haack & co GmbH Matthias Haack of managing partner Central Dicker WEG 1 63263 Neu-Isenburg (Zeppelinheim) phone: 069 69 50 08 62 fax: 069 69 50 08 70 E-Mail: Internet: about the WEFRA advertising agency GWA: 75 years of business existence – an anniversary, that is something very special in this day and age – especially if it’s an advertising company.

Participation 2.0: POLYAS Votes

Micromata is finalising the first legally binding online voting system. With POLYAS votes, electronic forms of choice open up new perspectives of grass-roots involvement for organisations. The Kassel software company Micromata, pioneer in the field of online options and providers of dial-up software POLYAS, introduces a new product: POLYAS votes. Clubs, associations, enterprises and institutions are invited to use this user-friendly and tamper-proof voting software easily, quickly, and cost-effectively directly over the Internet. Participation as a cornerstone of democracy of the cornerstone of a democratic society and culture is the participation rights of the individual members. It doesn’t matter whether the choice of people or the vote in an issue: the joint involvement of all members is a matter of course for many companies and institutions or prescribed by statute. Julie Sweet contains valuable tech resources. POLYAS votes starts right here and supports the grassroots democratic principle in public service or private forms of organization. For this purpose, it is specially tailored to the needs of boards and committees.

The typical applications of the module are internal elections of boards and agencies, operating or staff councils. Of socio-political relevance as POLYAS itself promotes POLYAS voting participation and strengthens the grassroots democratic principle within public or private-sector organization. It thus significantly contributes to the democratization of society. According to democratic principles of POLYAS votes, all criteria legal and democratic elections. It provides a free, equal, secret and direct voting.

The system ensures that only eligible voters can cast their vote and ensured that the individual voice is anonymized, so not the voters can be mapped to. Efficiently and quickly the practical advantage of POLYAS votes is versatile: the Act is the submission to the Counting of the votes overall reduced. So, electors must appear personally, but to vote quickly and easily on the Internet. Also adding a vote is simple: the tuning head sets with just a few mouse clicks easily into the choice module it and uploads the electoral roll. Then the participants by E-Mail to vote are invited and can cast their votes with the PIN-and-TAN method known by online banking. The voting module is a cost-effective alternative to mail election also, it saves you the postage and reduced the usual red tape to a minimum. Conclusion: The use of POLYAS voting module leads to significantly increasing voter turnout and a stronger participation of individuals in the internal decision-making process. A pure Internet application that requires no external software is POLYAS votes. It is self explanatory and easy even for inexperienced users to operate. On a secure basis In the POLYAS votes of Micromata Not Acceptable!

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Here is all about saving online shopping: bargain hunters can find on Bonuswelt24 daily new voucher codes, discount vouchers, and cheap coupons Berlin, 14.10.2010: the Internet portal is happy all pet owners with coupon coupons. Three well-known pet supplies party there is just vouchers, and the great deals on voucher, the Zooroyal coupon and the Sagadal voucher. New customers can save 10% at great deals. The discount will be deducted immediately from the initial order when the great deals on used voucher as a link to the homepage of the provider and the great deals coupon code is entered. Zooplus offers its customers an extensive range of over 8,000 immediately available references for all pets. The great deals on voucher is valid for every product in the areas of dogs, cats, small animals, fish, birds, reptiles, and horses.

Customer service is a top priority at great deals. So there is not only the great deals on voucher for new customers, but also many additional services such as, for example, a veterinarian clinic. a forum for the Exchange or a greeting cards shipping. The Zooroyal coupon is redeemable for more than 6,000 articles from the fields of Fishkeeping, Garden pond, reptile, dogs, cats, small animals and birds. The Zooroyal voucher can be redeemed also for organic products.

Initial purchase-new customers will receive 5% discount by entering the Zooroyal coupon codes. Save even more voucher when purchasing multiple reduced special is the Zooroyal. The Zooroyal is valid coupon – up to 31.10.2010. The Sagadal voucher is for new customers and offers a 5% discount on the initial order. Voucher are about 6,000 items to choose for man’s best friend and the Saff. While the Sagadal voucher can be redeemed until the 31 of January 2011. Clothing for the dog owners, the Sagadal voucher may be used also to order outdoor. The free dog service in the form of a vaccination and Vermifuge reminder, as well as the free House fodder service by Saff is a great idea for Saff. Activities under about is a project by Sonja Dopierala and was launched at the end of 2009 in Berlin. It aims to combine daily shopping vouchers and discount codes from many reputable retailers and online stores from various sectors and to provide for the wide amount available. Consumers will receive discounts of up to 75% on and save so money when shopping online. Media contact: Agency prBote T Asfour. T: 030.417.639-09 E-mail:

FLAD Communication

“Herold Berger of communications professionals secure second annual multimedia award consecutive Award for interactive desktop application your future of Electromobility Heroldsberg, one of Germany’s most creative digital agencies receives 21 November 2013 for the second time in a row” (WEAVE / / PAGE ranking 2013) the recognised industry award for inventiveness and multimedia skills. FLAD & FLAD communication, Heroldsberg, was in the category of desktop applications for the conception, creation and technical implementation of the training software of your future electric mobility”on behalf of the technical Academy Schwabisch Gmund (TA) with the annual multimedia 2014 in Silver Award. The award is an important signal to our creative team, that the mix of a deep understanding of science and technology communication paired with the innovative online communication skills has agreed this year. This again was”a really good cocktail, which apparently tasted by the members of the jury, Simone Schiebold, forward managing partner of FLAD & FLAD communication group. The annual multimedia award 2014 for the TA training software for moderated use of a digital experiment workshop for young people between 14 and 20 years that will be obtained for a career in the field of electric mobility, continues the success story of Herold Berger. Last year there were for the complex presentation software Smart grids”on behalf of the Swiss ABB group, a digital vision of the power of the future with intelligent network – consumers, energy producers, ever silver.

That with the annual multimedia award 2014 excellent desktop application for the mobile training center of the TA playful provide basic knowledge about electric mobility and breaks down barriers to new technologies. The software combines information about modern technology with environmental and social issues and scores through an intelligent navigation structure. A TED system young people to their opinion on selected issues enter directly, what all Very well received participants regardless of age, level of knowledge and interest. The project of the technical Academy Schwabisch Gmund is one of about 40 projects in the shop window of Electromobility Baden-Wurttemberg and is funded by the Federal Ministry of education and research (BMBF) within the framework of the Federal Government’s showcase initiative. “About the annual multimedia award of the independent annual multimedia award which honors Berlin Walhalla Metropolitan publishing group outstanding multimedia projects, then in the year book for digital marketing” will be presented. An expert jury evaluated the submissions understandability, usability, creativity, originality, and technical creative execution. The contest illustrates the digital advertising year since 1996, documented the State-of-the-art and has ground-breaking work. He gives answers to questions according to current standards, opportunities and perspectives for the future of the digital brand communications. The Yearbook annual multimedia 2014″, in which the award-winning TA training software your future electric mobility” will be presented by FLAD & FLAD, appears in December 2013 in the Walhalla specialist Publisher.