Hayek Economic

This conception of sustainable development has, therefore, as norteador principle, the economic growth and the efficiency in the logic of the market, and estimated its are anchored in the economy classic politics, the economic liberalism of Adam Smith, and in its update contemporary, the neoliberalismo of Friedrich August von Hayek. The axle of the theory of Smith (1985) is economic growth and its central idea are of that the wealth of the nations is determined by the increase of the productivity of the work, that has origin in changes in the division and specialization of the work process. The growth of the productivity of the work, that produces a value excess on its cost of reproduction, allows the growth of the capital supply (accumulation) and extends the size of the markets. To assure the prosperity of the nations she is necessary that it has freedom of the individuals? understood as economic agents? to act, being felt inspired in its proper interests, and this natural ordinance is capable to favor the generation of the wealth of what the artificial coordinations, as the exerted ones for the State, whose paper must be reduced to the minimum. For Smith (1985), it does not have antagonism, but harmony between the individual interests and the general interest, being the freedom in the search of the wealth the condition of all the progress. According to Hayek (1987) the regulating State of the market it destroys the freedom of the citizens and the competition, without which it does not have prosperity. The discursiva matrix of the capitalist efficiency, according to ACSELRAD (2001, p.31), in such a way shelters the technological optimists, ' ' what believe the action of one? intergeracional invisible hand? that it will guarantee that the maximum satisfaction of the interests gifts will transmit a more productive world to the generations futuras' ' this aspa where it starts, how much those that see the problem of the pollution as result of an imperfection of the mechanisms of adjustment of the market, that is, of the no-internalizao of the pollution as a production cost.