Health Professionals

The lack of preparation of these professionals of health for the agreement of the death and dying imposes to these distant moments of perplexity of the patients in imminence of death and its familiar ones, making it difficult the taking of decision and boarding. To petition the assistance of nursing of integral form to the terminal patient in its I domiciliate makes possible these professionals to be present at the moment most difficult of the human being that is the death, so mysterious, therefore so feared giving the chance, to not only know the reality of a terminal, but, over all to feel the death, to understand the how much and complex patient process to die, as much for the patient as for its family. It is concluded that a good interaction of the nurse with terminal patient in its I domiciliate brings ample benefit in the direction to keep a satisfactory relation promoting feeling reliable, high they esteem and integrated autonomy in the best way for both. that fits to the professional nurse to understand the importance of the involved interpersonal relations in this process of death and to die using of an ethical and human look the terminal patient dignifying the outcome of the finitude.