EAD Learning

However, this dissemination does not occur of isolated form; it has a set of involved agents in the process of learning so that the knowledge is constructed in the context of the interatividade. In this set it has professors, tutors and pupils; each one with specific attributions in the course. Considering the relevance of the function of professors and tutors in courses in the modality in the distance, it implies to consider that the professor makes the mediation with the activities of the pupil, preparing the field and the environment for such, makes use and considers the access and the interaction, – either with the machine or other pupils or other technologies. – provoking and facilitating the interactive actions in virtual environments of learning. The procedures or methodologies to be carried through aim at essentially, to become significant the learning so that it does not have evasion. For in such a way, it is pertinent to observe that the professor when using the medias proposals necessary, therefore, having domain of the tools and to know in depth all the existing possibilities to elaborate strategies for an efficient exploitation of the pupils. The tutor if configures as the member of the team next to pupil physically, therefore it essentially has function of assisting at the actual moments; it searchs to interact, to stimulate, to reorient the activity of learning; that is, it offers pedagogical support to the pupil, in order this carries through the activities in the established stated periods, the loss of these can compromise the motivation of continuity of the course. Finally, it is necessary to attempt against itself for the possibilities of that the EAD with the aid of technologies makes possible pedagogical processes of quality, that they stimulate the creativity, the autonomy and the critical thought of the educandos; understanding, of course, that in any educative modality, over all, in EAD alone it can have an efficient work will have comprometimento of the involved citizens.