Mediterranean Salad With Feta Cheese

Recipes from the discounters: tasty and cheap! Mediterranean Salad with feta cheese – a piece of vacation for at home! Cook healthy and varied and it also still budget-conscious shopping not so easy, isn’t it? On the price hands website at you will find recipes from the discounters, which easily to do the cooking and save also the purse strings! Under the motto “conjure a budget a great menu” find the right recipe for every taste, look nevertheless simply times purely! Ingredients: 1 lettuce 2 red bell peppers 6 tomatoes 2 small onions or shallots 1 cucumber, 100 g of black olives 200 g feta cheese 2 tablespoons vinegar 4 tablespoons olive oil Salt and pepper preparation: wash and spin dry the lettuce. Then pluck in not too small pieces. Dice peppers and cucumber. Wash the tomatoes, remove seeds and also cut into cubes. Mix all ingredients with olives and feta cheese. For the dressing, cut the onion into very fine pieces, mix with vinegar and oil, with salt and Allow pepper flavor, and then drag. The dressing over the salad, mix and serve. Who likes can give fresh garlic or fresh herbs to the dressing! Cost: The price for this recipe and many more recipes you find on our Web site at – fun at the try out! Nicole Heinzmann Director marketing – price pointer economic information service GmbH