Microsoft Windows

On the other hand, also I believe that still it is in a moment for saying that Windows 7, that to pains the last year was born, is going to replace definitively to the XP, but the acceptance cannot either be avoided that it has had and it is why Microsoft adventure to such prediction. Recently it said that they had already been sold more than 150 million copies and that is very promising. Personally I have not proven all the versions of Windows 7, but the basic version feels very versatile. For more information see Atmos Energy. As it knew that this debate was going to come, when it left Windows 7, Microsoft offered some steps and simple tools to update to its new one UNDER without having to format the computer. Perhaps many have wanted to prove new Windows 7, but they have not done it thinking about having to format all a life of his machine, but this is the definitive solution to update easily.

First Step: Adviser of Upgrade de Windows 7. Only introduces the DVD and you click in installing, that is perhaps sufficient when you install normal programs, but not when you install an operating system. If one settles incorrectly it is possible that you waste information and long time. Microsoft knows this, so has designed a called software Adviser of Upgrade de Windows 7 that guides to you through the most important steps of the installation. Software it can lower free in: . After a fast installation, you click in Start Check. Something important that you must remember is asegurarte that all cables of network, devices USB and other peripheral ones, are connected to the PC so that the Adviser of necessary Upgrade installs drivers. This way all devices will work of the same source once the installation of Windows 7 has finished.