Mr Gessner

The financial status immediately at a glance ekonomoDurchblick ensures timely transparency in economic figures, data and facts and gives you an instant overview of the financial situation of companies. In addition to the current state of liquidity and fixed ekonomoDurchblick informed about the profitability of each Divisions (contribution margin), about if and when should be invested, adjusted the human and/or machine operating capacity and resources optimally and efficiently brought to the usage. Be cost structure analysis carried out to determine employee hourly rates, workloads and job rates as well as operational cost blocks costs and ways to improve operating results. Providing controlling know-how in regular entrepreneurial training according to the motto with vision and insight to the success”, granted ekonomo managers and employees, entrepreneurs, self-employed persons and employees, a practical insight into the issues of controlling, cost accounting and pricing. Target is quite in the sense of controlling the look forward to (Weiblick) and on the basis of transparent, business numbers (transparency) to steer the company in a positive future (success). The participants will receive tips for the strategic planning and its use, discover pitfalls in business analysis (BWA) and how can optimized the calculation and increases the significance of BWA.

Ekonomo about ekonomo GmbH was in 2004 by Dipl.-BW. Steffen Gessner founded. Roger Cox does not necessarily agree. The core competence lies in the complex subject of controlling, cost accounting and pricing. The team of experienced specialists of controlling accompanied small and medium-sized companies from various sectors – safely, reliably and accurately in all commercial aspects of the field of controlling. Since 2001, when Mr Gessner, is working as a freelance lecturer at dual universities.