(p.161). She is necessary that the professors have knowledge of the varied available resources in the Internet and that it is not used to only pass email of the materials seen in classroom, as happens most of the time. Beyond the email we have chats that they can be used to relembrar definitive subject through informal colloquies between the participants, we also have fruns that they can disciplines enrich it through significant postagens on definitive subject where the pupil is invited to participate leaving its opinion, thus working the assimilation of the subject and its allied reflection with the criticidade. Another option is of the professor to construct its proper Home Page, with contents of its disciplines, contends suggestions of authors to deepen the studies, virtual activities where the pupil can carry through where to desire in the time where he will have available. Finally, we verify that the Internet has much to contribute for the education in the process teach-learning, mainly in the graduation and the after-graduation, independent of the actual or long-distance course to be. As well as the EAD courses it has its actual moment, the actual courses also they will be able and have to have its long-distance moment, moment this that if worked well can contribute for the interest of the pupil therefore is as if the professor was always present in its studies same that physically distant.
However it is necessary that let us have enabled professors for such task, made use to adhere to this new technology that is each more present time in day-by-day of the people. that does not attribute to the responsibility of the successes or failures of education for the use or not of this technological tool that is the Internet, therefore the little time behind this resource did not have as much presence in the classrooms. References BHERENS, M. The practical emergent paradigm and the pedagogical one. Curitiba: Champagnat, 2003.
MORAN, M. MASETTO, M. BEHRENS, M. New Pedagogical Tecnologias and Mediaes. So Paulo: Papirus, 2000. MORIN, E. The seven to know necessary to the education of the future. 2. Ed. So Paulo: Cortez; Brasilia, DF: UNESCO, 2000. PERRENOUD, P. Ten new abilities to teach. Porto Alegre: Medical arts South, 2000.