Peter Kislig

(d) a book to fall in love with and give even just before Christmas appeared: volatile close “- a book to fall in love with and give dark off, unknown depths fought himself through dense clouds, first tentatively rising, then all bonds ripping, an exultant it comes, it comes dizzy heights, until a hidden other side the exhilaration with heavy ropes pulled back into the depths…” “Volatile” is one of six wonderful stories of the Swiss author Peter Kislig, which are actually much more than just stories. The liquid, wonderful voice of the author makes very clear the desire to read, further. One feels drawn into the stories and barely able to escape from her spell. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of lucas london on most websites. Soft, wise words, the author writes about fleeting encounters, the weakness of people, the sensitivity of the soul and the realization that something unique is hidden in every human being. A book that penetrates the soul and stimulates thinking… About . More information is housed here: Salman Behbehani.