Pupil Change

Exactly having decisesoriundas of other areas of secondary interest, the focus daaprendizagem if concentrates only in the chosen area. Impacts in the learning Of simplified form, the theoreticians of the conditioning stimulaton-respostaconsideram that the learning is a change process nocomportamento, occurring through stimulatons and answers that serelacionam and obey the mechanist principles. For praticantesda field-gestalt theory, the learning is a process of aquisioou change of insights, that is, of perspectives or standards depensamento. The learning is a marcante change in the behavior or capacidadede if to hold in one given situation, decurrent of practical or outrasformas of experimentation. Some points or principles that are common to all the ones that if worry about the learning of pupil.

They are: 1. All learning, so that really it happens, needs sersignificativa for the apprentice, that is, needs to involve it as person, as a whole (ideas, feelings, culture, society). 2. All learning is personal. The learning involves change decomportamento or of situation of the apprentice, and this only happens in the pessoado apprentice and for the person of the apprentice. The affirmation of the obvious one is a little: ' ' nobody learns for outro' '. 3. All necessary learning to aim at realistic objectives.

That is, they quepossam in fact to be significant for those pupils and that possamconcretamente to be reached in the circumstances where the ministrado course. 4. All immediate necessary learning to be folloied of feedback. Aaprendizagem if makes in a continuous process and feedback is elementointegrante of this process, therefore it will have to supply to the pupil and the professordados ones to correct and to initiate learning 5. All necessary learning to be based in a good relacionamentointerpessoal between the elements that participate of the process, that is, pupil, professor, colleagues of group. The behavior of dialogue, contribution, participation, work in set, reliable climate, the professor are characteristic desterelacionamento not being umobstculo to the achievement of the considered objectives and not being percebidocomo such.