Skinner Boxware

In the College Ruy Barbosa sousados in the experiments always male rats, for having a maisestvel behavior that the females of the same species. Derespostas to the experiments effected with these animals to make possible the attainment, is used the box to deSkinner 1. In the anlisefeita for the learning in the practical lessons, the eventosexercidos ones for the animal are necessary spoon all and to write down them in a form. During the collection dessesdados, it always exists a loss of consistency and precision of the information, therefore, in order to effect a more complete evaluation, other 0 variable need serverificadas, beyond the reply of the rat on the bar, as, for example, variation of the luminosity, change in environment, racket, addition of reinforcements, amongst others, hindering the total attention it pupil and harming the objective doexperimento.

Solutions in the market for the automation exist of experimentosdesse character, as the Skinner Box and the INSIGHT; however, essassolues possess one high cost of implantation and code proprietor. To take care of to the necessities of the laboratory of Psychology, two works of this college had considered solutions of automation of the box to deSkinner, objectifying to optimize the lessons practical and to take care of the preset algumasnecessidades: low cost of implementation, fciloperabilidade, high degree of flexibility and good precision of the supplied data..