He Is On In The Internet For The Taking

The surprises arrive and surprise. Approved the rules for transmission of Internet through the electric net, already we can believe that in little time, millions of Brazilians will have more easiness in the access to the Internet. Mainly for inhabitants of the agricultural zone, where the connection depends of mobile communication of the existence of communications towers, It is an alternative that can diminish the inaquality and allow that a very bigger public is inserted in the digital world and that he makes use of all the tools and chances propitiated in this environment. The costs of this new form of transmission had been not yet defined, but the tests already are happening. What we lament is the fact of that if this alternative already it was possible and already it functioned in other countries, why always is delayed? First we pay for them we pssimos services of dialed Internet, later we pay for the service badly given, the companies of telecommunications that the monopoly withholds, to have broad band. only now, for many a great surprise, the approval of the Internet broad band saw net electric. But before late of what never. The notice is good and real.

Through a special modem, connected to any taking of the house, the connection will be given by means of handles optical-fiber. No wall in addition will not be necessary for rank of the handles. The connection speeds are being tested and in relation to the quality, it can be harmed if at the moment of the use some another domestic device will be being used, but for this, it is enough to use a small filter that the problem already is solved. Then what we must make is to commemorate, one more time Brazil living the technologies of first world. Brazilians of any cantinho could know and be part of the modern and quick life. The life online. Where the information does not have limits and the knowledge are available who to want to have access them. They will be able to also usufruct of the gratuitousnesses easinesses offered in the net, without discrimination or limitations.