Magazine Technique

In question 2: I participate of simultaneous colloquy, through texts (torpedoes)? 45% had answered affirmatively. 4? CONCLUSION In a well ample analysis in what it says respect to the new scenes of learning, can be detached colon important that it has deep influence in the processes of mediation, overdose of information and the speed of circulation of the same one. In this direction, it was observed that, the impact of the digital media is being felt through an increasing number of comunicacionais and informacionais activities (cellular Internet and). Exactly being recent, these technologies extend, exteriorizam and modify many cognitivas functions human beings: the memory (digital data base, hipertextos, card indices of all the orders), the imagination through the simulations, the perception (sensory, tele presence and virtual reality), the reasonings (artificial intelligence, modelizao of complex phenomena). In the reality, it could be identified two practical types of pedagogical in the education institution: traditional, where a each professor follows the old ritual of the expositivas lessons, worried in giving contents, in evaluating the pupils quantitatively, closed one in the restricted domain of its disciplines. Other, dynamic, that he opens spaces for the quarrel and significao of current subjects, for another relation professor-pupil, for incorporation of other languages, rationalities and technologies, where the professors feel themselves more to dare and to create. In this study it was observed that the inserted pupils are each day in the context of the NTICs, since, with the access the Internet in its residences and the majority of the education institutions.

As the data, it was observed inexistence of colaborativas actions in the net with orientation of the professor and the participation of the pupils in courses on-line, what it confirms the lack of professionals qualified in these pedagogical activities. I concluded that even so the new technologies are inserted in the daily one of the pupils, little is observed of innovation of practical pedagogical in the educational scenes. Ones of the points most difficult of education in the future will be in knowing as to motivate and to defy the students and as to encourage them to develop it the requirement of auto disciplines for the learning, in reason of the great amount of information in some supports. References OLIVEIRA, E.G. Education in the distance in paradigmtica transistion. Campinas, SP: Papirus, 2003. TEDESCO, J.C. Education and New Technologies.