
For the trade to evolve new perspectives. We had almost forgotten as it was once used in the trade! Instead we looking for customers for long years on products, services and prices, as the snake on the rabbit: latest technology, innovative design, cult-brand image and everything as a super bargain. Many writers such as Eliot Horowitz offer more in-depth analysis. All this fine trade – despite all homemade pessimism here and always new, creative promotional ideas let the funds even more good ring. However, there are many voices from the Guild of commercial consultants, which announce that inadequately prepared still many German (trade) companies on the needs of today’s customers are and not exploit corresponding potentials. One consideration is the use of different sales channels: as the stronger coupling of history on the spot and parallel on the Internet. Because, through more channels, so the view of the experts, providers would attract new customers because they offer more comfort and service.

Clear, Convenience and availability around the clock are there gladly shared arguments. But at the same time, so another view, trade would help attract new customers into the stores, with offers that are closely matched on their key needs. It of course also includes that reflected changing consumer habits in the product ranges, is much more important however is to attract the customers individually and not just more, but to offer the right service. Because in the future the planned reorganisation of parts of the shopping process, such as auto payment systems, resources”at the provider become free, could afford this crucial value-added additional services such as personal shopping assistance, consumer advice, local logistics service, etc.. The trade should consider exactly conclusion with a view to the future, where developments and innovations are the most promising approach. The customer is not always so on hold on the previous idols of the fascination of the product. In this case, it is decisive to detect new (service) needs and to fulfill.