Scanning Photos

Nowadays our memories have a digital existence more and more since this format counts on a series of advantages by on the old analogical formats. You can see some of them next: The quality of the digital image is far better? It is possible to be sent by email and to be shared in social networks with friendly and relatives? The present rigid disks store to information to very low cost this allows to keep great amounts from photos. They are not with time degraded To scan a photo is a very simple process, but you want to obtain a good result you will have to put much attention and to follow a series of additional steps. The first step: asegrate of which the scanner of photos is connected and installed (with drivers updated and others). Secondly step: Elije the photos to scan. The technique deciphers in this article is only for scanning photos printed with flat scanner.

In order to scan negatives and to digitize slides other techniques can be used or you will have to buy a special scanner (they are generally very expensive). Third step: Fjate that in the glass of the scanner there are neither dust nor marks of of fingers. Pon the photo on the scanner (asegrate that the same this ignition) and abre to the program of digitalization (the software that came with the scanner from photos or other that or you have installed) and elije the option to scan image or to acquire image. It will appear a window that (generally) allows you to make a previsualization of the scanned photo. Before pressing the button that it indicated to the computer to begin with the digitalization, there are several parameters that you can form to obtain a good result: What resolution: First, it decides what you will do with the image? In order to see it in screen (monitor 15"): we recommend 800 xs 600 pixels.