Small Companies

To be always accessible for the visitors online, the site of the small companies must be kept by a good company of site lodging. Hosts is companies who supply servers to its customers, so that its sites are connected to the Internet 24 hours per day 7 days per week. The companies operate with a number of servers that can vary of some units until thousand of servers. The great companies can need a dedicated server, who is a server who takes care of exclusively to an only site. For the small companies, a server of lodging of sites shared is enough and recommendable therefore he simultaneously supplies to all the necessary services diverse sites. The number of sites in one host shared can arrive the hundreds. The performance on-line of a site of a great company, housed in a dedicated server, is a little different of a site of small companies with shared lodging. The price of a dedicated server is, most of the time, impracticable for a small company.

If the server well will not be managed, the small one company can have a site that loads very slowly. This can very be harmful when it is about chances of sales. Recent studies disclose that if a visitor has access a site that delays 10 seconds or more to load its main page, it probably will look another one that carregue quickly and the company loses an income chance. The main factor for the optimum choice of host for its site does not have to be the price but yes the quality. The price is relative, because some of the great companies with thousand of customers, can be given to the luxury to offer plans for prices baixssimos.

But the cheap one can leave expensive, when it says respect the quality and rapidity of the attendance of the support team, for example. When optimum choosing host to keep a site of small companies, that characteristic of lodging services must be looked for? Speed of execution. The speed with that the pages are loaded. The reputation of host. How much time the company is in the market and as it is classified it enters the best ones of the sector. Trustworthiness and uptime. Host of better standard offers (and it practises) 99.9% of up-teams. The characteristics standard, such as PHP, Perl, MySQL, and any another embarked software; email accounts, and register of dominioSuporte to the customer. The support to the customer can vary very of one host for another one, must be searched sufficiently before contracting a plan the ideal is to send a contact email and to verify how much time host leads to answer, beyond observing if the reply to its questions they are logical. This is a factor key. One remembers we can get many resources: space in record, traffic, accounts of email in a service of lodging of site for an accessible price, but if the support will be slow and amateur everything goes below for water. It knows our site of lodging