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Green procurement, Berlin Energy Agency Berlin Energy Agency supports Postbank in implementing green procurement In the context of buy Smart free consulting service for companies and public procurers Berlin, July 5, 2010 conscious purchasing energy-efficient goods and services, so-called green procurement, companies and Governments can save money. The Berlin Energy Agency helps smart including Postbank AG in the framework of the EU project buy green fashion their procurement. Developed environmental service sheets, used in the post Bank as part of a group-wide environmental policy in the field of office equipment procurement. The objective of the EU project buy is smart to promote the procurement of energy-efficient products. Along with the consulting and service company the Berlin Energy Agency as a project coordinator of the project implements environment, as well as partners from seven European countries since May 2009 in Germany.

The project is supported by the Federal Ministry for environment, nature conservation and nuclear safety and the awarding platform award 24. On the Internet page german get interested companies and public institutions guides and tendering assistance, procurement policies, information about label and good practice examples. Information about the Office equipment product groups, vehicles, household appliances, lighting and eco-electricity is available. Furthermore free consultations, training and in-House are offered within the framework of the project training. As one of the largest financial institutions of in Germany, with 14 million customers, 21,000 employees and a balance sheet total of 239 billion euros, Postbank has recognized how important is environmental-friendly economies. Since 2008, Postbank implemented a group-wide environmental policy and has committed the CO2 emissions of the overall operation by 2012 to reduce 20% compared with 2007. Green procurement makes an important contribution here. Since the introduction of well policy were exchanged old tape libraries and the energy efficiency more as increased 85%, through the gradual introduction of energy-efficient telecommunication systems energy consumption by 30% could be reduced and the introduction of a new payment program and new hardware will save 20% of energy.

Berlin Energy Agency the Berlin Energy Agency (BEA) is a modern energy services company in Berlin. It develops and implements innovative projects to reduce energy costs and CO2 emissions. Clients are public and non-profit institutions, real estate and housing companies, industry, trade, industrial, hospitals, as well as the entire services sector.