Something Serious

When a person goes to the doctor saying: ” doctor I feel a humming in my head that is to me enloqueciendo” , most probable it is than this person is very scared thinking that the worse thing comes, than has a mortal disease and that to the being in the head surely she does not have she cures. Good, not to be hopeless. Because these hummings are the same that feel in the ears, only that when perceiving itself of stereophonic or bilateral form, the sensation is that the sound comes from the center of the head (midpoint between both ears). These sounds or any other that are perceived of subjective form, are called acufenos or tinnitus. As far as the gravity of the acufenos, he is very comforting to know that a very small percentage of cases corresponds with complex pathologies or of difficult treatment.

And within these rare diseases, the possibilities of life risk are almost null. One of the causes that more fear causes in the patients who say – I feel a humming in my head – is the one of the tumors. For any person the term tumor is synonymous of cancer, and although often this it can thus be, in the case of the tumors that cause tinnitus, this is completely erroneous. The tumor of the auditory nerve, or tumor of Shwann is a benign tumor. It is not cancer because it does not produce metastasis and it is only encapsulated in the cells of Shwann that surround the auditory nerve. This tumor is of slow growth, and although the diagnosis of a tumor always produces chills in the patient, often not even it requires intervention and simply its development is periodically controlled never being able to have the necessity to extirpate it.

In the cases where the tumor has grown of considerable form and exists risk that can press some face nerve, it is come to retire it with a very simple and fast intervention surgically. There is a well-known but very effective method little that is guaranteed to cause that the acfenos disappear for always.