The Reflection

Silence filling each goes of night that falls on the white-dark walls made, it to aperceber itself as only living form in this extended space, between patios and bricks. It was arisen of one alone act. It was necessary to continue; more now, in an incessant march until the car, duly warned to have to continue its divagaes in a wooden hard table, inside of the dawn, under the cold of frozen winds that crossed squares it of basquete. Inasmuch as, if it was! For imposition of an incisive silence, that prenunciava locking of the gates, it ran for squares in darknesses, balancing under them of murmuring eucaliptos, without definitive conclusions, with the luggage weighing to it the thick book shoulders, full, that not yet had read (and certainly, it would not make it of total form). Pitching, in cambiantes hopes, it opened the door of Volkswagen. The sigh of I alliviate when the engine caught, when great possibility of existed not making it, for the cold that punished its Bosch generator; it gave to it momentnea courage to it to follow, for not having as to come back. Thus, it would have to continue, exactly that assaulted for the disillusions of an uncertain future.

The constatao of a next anxiety of and the tomorrow future one, that would go to populate it the reflection moments. The antegozado one to suffer from the process of palatvel learning its perfeccionistas criteria. When going up the steep slope of exit of the college, discharged in the avenue, with the certainty of that it would have moments of anguish in the construction of one to know that it could dignify to teach to it, but that it did not exist another way of being happy is of this possibility, that was its mission of life. It gave of shoulders, and being able to choose to stop, it wanted to continue, and it recommenced continuing. Inhaled for ' ' sinfonia' ' strident of engine 1500, of the insider trintenrio car, it strangled the thoughts of fear that assaulted it the extemporaneous one, in pressing of the projection; it breathed deeper, it sped up and it disappeared in a esquina, freeing smoke in the solitary stone pavements of the torpifyed city, has 25 Km/h, and disappeared in the monday night.