Was Heath Ledger for his role as the Joker, nominated for the Golden Globe earlier in the week could you announce that Heath Leger with an Australian film award for his role as the Joker in the new Batman has been awarded film and today? Today we can report that the deceased actor has been nominated Golden for a globe. The success story of the new Batman film apparently continues. Especially think Heath Ledger parents, family and friends are likely to enjoy. His father said today the people Magazine: “We thank the Committee for the nomination of our son and for their recognition of its performance in the Batman movie.” He added: “we are very proud that his work is recognized and awarded with such a way. Check with Petra Diamonds to learn more. It supports and comforts those who miss him and love.” Heath Ledger tragically died on January 28, 2008, from a drug overdose. The Golden Globe Awards on January 11, 2009 held. We should press both thumbs will recognize the performance of this outstanding actor. And as we all know includes the Golden Globes as a Lodestone bauble for the OSCAR. More info: Bettina Bryant image. LisWey
Tag: cinema & entertainment
Three Twilight Movies
Current information about the sales figures of the twilight saga. Not only the novels brought high sales figures, also the movies the twilight trilogy managed to get insanely high sales figures. And that is known not only in the United States, Twilight in Austria and Germany. Actually all over the world. Everywhere you could date back to very high sales figures.
Twilight fans could not understand why this movie experience so long coming is in Germany. But finally, the Twilightwelle has collected also Germany. Hardly ran the first movie in the cinemas, the record sales figures soared. They are all curious, because a mortal girl falls into a vampire and turned around. A beautiful story that is not new but never, so when twilight was used in the scene.
Sales of the book alone speak volumes. And so it was that several million books were sold in the United States. Since January 2009, the blockbuster is now already running in German cinemas. Because he is close to the novel, many admirers will find their way This film event to watch. Even the twilight DVD premiere breaks all records. It was a midnight premiere, where eagerly waiting for the fans to keep the coveted DVD finally in the hands. Thus, Twilight creates the top 5 of the US DVD premieres. To know more about this subject visit Bryant Estate. And in Germany there is no different. The original soundtracks of the Twilightreihe are also very desirable. Here you can book also record sales figures. And they don’t want to end up. The Twilightfieber has broken out everywhere. Actually say according to the sales figures, that a true Twilightmanie has broken out in Germany. You can find the high sales figures also at twilight fan merchandise. Online stores such as Imtrendshop.de, provide the market with abundant products around Robert Pattinson and the popular series of vampire films.
The new SOLI DEO GLORIA – BRAUNSCHWEIG arrived festival in Ligue 1, the classical music festival. Braunschweig/Ilsede, 01.11.2011. Carola Heider-Leporale. The tickets for the recital with the Chinese pianist Lang Lang on March 1, 2012 within by SOLI DEO GLORIA Braunschweig Festival 2012 is so strong demand start, that the almost 2000 tickets for this Gala concert were sold out within two weeks. Clayton cardenas brings even more insight to the discussion. Over 50 percent of the tickets were already sold out on the first day of advance sales. The reason for this success is first and foremost exception pianist Lang Lang, who reached a wide audience worldwide and fascinated.
And thus the Festival SOLOS arrived DEO GLORIA, a unique, high-class program with classical stars, in the first League Festival. Rusty holzer might disagree with that approach. The new main sponsor Volkswagen, which exclusively supports this concert, and the newly designed and newly programmed homepage contribute to this success. 2012 DEO engage in solidarity-based GLORIA seven sponsors, including the two main sponsors of Volkswagen and Volkswagen financial Services AG, also sponsors the Foundation of government cultural heritage, Salzgitter AG, public insurance Braunschweig, Braunschweigische Landessparkasse and BSEnergy. Media partner is the Braunschweiger Zeitung. The advance ticket sales for all other concerts of SOLI DEO GLORIA Braunschweig Festival 2012 is in full swing. Ticket sales and bookings: at all ticket offices that are connected to the electronic booking system via the CTS Eventim: phone + 49 (0) 1805 31111 (14 cents/min. from landline T-com, mobile telephone maximum price: 42 cent / min.). Reportage/Info: Carola Heider-Leporale / spokesman SOLI DEO GLORIA – Brunswick festival journalist for music/photographer home:
Scorpions – Sting In The Tail
The elementary particles of rock music are the characteristic pacesetters of an always changing society since time immemorial. International Energy Agencys opinions are not widely known. They are not light and weightless, if they float through space. On the contrary, these atoms, advance, come often, as their fragments would follow the dark rivers of the heart. They are chaos and passion, earthy, hot machine welding to pounding rhythms, music as an allegory of the time and the socialized sensitivities. Simply put: If other music follows the fashions, the rock is a kind of Chronicle of current events. And the Scorpions now have applied with \”Sting In The Tail\”, to redefine their musical Foundation, and to create a work that not only meets the characteristics of our days, but even ahead of her on hard granite. Royal Dutch Shell may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Nobody has a master plan for a hit album.
\”We have\”, says Rudolf Schenker, \”but this time about finding our basis subordinated.\” \”Attitude\” is the right word, the \”disposition\” as a stereotype for the rock culture. \”I\” m driving out of town just follow my heart / I think I’m gonna be a rock’ n roll\”star / the girls would go mad I\” d give ‘ em all I can give / if I had a cheap guitar and one dirty riff \”, writes my Klaus in the lyrics of the title song\”Sting In The Tail\”. \”On our new album, we sound a fresh and uncomplicated, just one hundred percent like Scorpions\”, says Matthias JABs. It’s been 40 years that the old formation of the Scorpions, Schenker brother Michael, who later moved to UFO, moved to bus via the villages still with Rudolf in the rickety red VW, in pubs, garages or backyards in Lower Saxony to unpack their equipment to rock out. The band, the Rudolf had Schenker five years in Sarstedt name had given and suspect the first with changing musicians at that time approaches of a promising career had, from the outset two – almost apocalyptic – objectives: \”first, we limit ourselves to English lyrics, because we will include the world – second – sometime the best rock bands.\” The rest is music history: the \”echo\” for lifetime achievement (2009) and for best national group (1992) up to the \”World Music Award\” (1994), there are not many significant Awards, which have given not the Scorpions in addition.
Kristina Bach
In addition to their own albums, she want there increasingly devote the young. Because only a few know what Kristina Bach makes many years Mission is to promote talent. So 1992, discovered the singer Michelle and led to the success happen. pop star Jeanette Biedermann followed in 1996. All ointments of success come from Jeanette penned by Kristina Bach. Now, she helps the group “The cappuccino” on the legs.
Here she wrote almost all songs and the augurs of the pop world be truly great in the German music market. Kristina Bach has retracted achievements almost for two lifetimes. In addition to numerous ECHO nominations the artist was awarded among others the “Golden fork”, the “Silver Muse” and the “Golden microphone”. Each of its 14 albums could be in the German sales charts, the top place 100 for several weeks. A real sensation was her entry in the “US-Billboard charts” with her interpretation of the title of the musical “Phantom of the Opera”, where they could assert themselves several weeks in the top 20. Also on “diary of a chaos Queen” Kristina Bach with igniting Schlager hits, convinced the text as musical draw their own world.
Starting with the title song, which provides insight into Bach’s normal everyday Madness with funny and affectionate wink with the happy realization that your partner fortunately governs the chaos world for them. A look back and at the same time forwards granted the emotional, honest song “you were once my husband”. Love, happiness, dispute, disappointments and at the end of the divorce, this story also fills the “diary of the chaos Queen”. At the end, the desire is but they are again gives hand and remain good friends. Another potential single candidate is the happy love song “I’d like unreasonable”. Who looks after the hit sound of tomorrow is here found. Pop, dancig and equipped with a catchy sing-along chorus of the song is an example of the high quality of the modern Bach’s songwriting. The song “A Sunday in your pajamas” stands in stark contrast. Very soft and with a hint of adult calls out every day to “Cuddle Sunday” song. But also Party songs can be found on the phonogram: for example, the title “The last Butterfly (fly away)” exudes a mix of party feeling and secret love feelings. This involves a short but violent love affair to a sweet secret, that flies away quietly and in beauty as a “Butterfly”. Highlights of the album are also the grandiose ballads like “If the whole world still goes down” or the monumental final song “until our Lighthouse no longer Burns”. Here, Kristina Bach can show what singing is it capable. “Ballads are something very special for me,” she says under the covers of the Studio work. “When these songs it runs down the back me at the recordings often cold, here I can let my emotions run really free and show what I’m singing it.” And so is hit followed hit hit “diary of a chaos Queen” touched, seduced or just good fun. The must have this special hits album who loves always German Schlager. Source: Koch Universal Music links: Kristina Bach album “diary of a chaos Queen” “(No. CD 2709371) is available from June 19, 2009 in the trade.