Tension Ceilings

– Professional installation and mounting tension ceiling based on years of experience. – Always in stock selection of materials and color choices. – Help translate any idea of the stretch ceiling, this will help our designers and unique design solutions. French technology durability stretch ceiling. If you really want to eternal suspended ceiling, the technology ensures that the French manufacturers. When mounting tension ceiling used harpoon – French technology fasteners, which are not terrible floods in contrast to the wedge, shtapikovoy installation. Yet the choice is yours, to be modern, fashionable right now. Dream or other glossy colors and decorations of stretch ceilings can be done right now, just need to call.

Tel: 8495580 40 82 Stretch ceilings represent the pinnacle of modern technology in the development and production of finishing materials for the ceiling. The most prestigious and high-quality long considered the French ceilings, but if you plan to use the usual white ceiling, you can choose also from a range of Russian producers, many of which offer products similar in quality French and German producers. However, French and German coverage presented in a wider range. Deals ceilings with a matte and glossy finish, and exclusive options for artistic ceiling, ceilings 'starry sky', mirrored and textured surfaces are installed by us in a very short time, and you receive a ten-year warranty. French, German and inexpensive ceilings from Russia – all of the products may be of high quality is not at all dealerships. The company 'PremerStroy' working directly with European and Russian manufacturers of suspended ceilings, and that's why we find you the most competitive prices for high ceilings of all types. Stretch ceiling for apartments We are in a wide range of products, quality is consistently high, and the differences of colors and textures allow you to choose from more than 200 options for finishing the ceiling of the apartment. Here you can find a lot number of glossy, matte, mirror, textured surfaces, and translucent ceilings, coatings of artistry and ceilings with photo printing.

Stretch ceilings (North Region) is available now us in an even wider range. We are constantly making contacts with new Russian and foreign partners, expanding its own production and can offer a decent solution for any interior. We set ceilings (Moscow and Moscow region, all city) in the short term, and can offer you only the certified products of the highest quality. With prices and photos of coatings also can be available in the relevant section of this site.