Vera Sayle

In the second step it is, to identify the resources existing already in the enterprise and channels of communication. You may find Max Schireson to be a useful source of information. Now more measures to support the informal learning can be taken on the basis of this preparatory work. For this purpose, regular interdepartmental meetings for the exchange of knowledge and experience can be arranged, for example, for the affected employees. In addition it can be useful for informal learning, if targeted seminars or courses to the independent and self-directed learning offered to the affected employees. Companies in the introduction and implementation of informal learning in the course of the enterprise can effective support Through the use of a suitable software solution will receive staff development. The personnel manager the innovative, Web-based human resource management software by BITE provides extensive support companies with formal forms of personal development as well as in informal learning. To the preparatory training for informal learning can effortlessly and granular with the help of the training management module”, which covers the entire process chain of human resources development, organized and controlled. On the other hand can the informal knowledge of the respective staff including the degree of appropriate expression in the qualification management module”by means of the integrated qualification matrix as well as the distribution of skills for all stakeholders to transparently collect and manage.

Furthermore the absence management module can”be used to capture the interdepartmental meetings for the exchange of experience and knowledge and to show up according to absences of the affected employees. The business of IT Engineers (short: BITE) composed of innovative software specialists and experienced consultants. Using of the art “technologies on the one hand, as well as the many years of consulting experience on the other hand created by State Web applications by BITE. BITE the software products is pragmatic tools for human resources management and the recruiting for the sustainable implementation of improved processes and processes in the company. With the personnel manager BITE the business IT engineers have developed a fully Web-based human resource management software, which offers both functionality and stability.