PageRank – Attribute In – Follow

Of this form it would result in one better distribution of PageRank since the Google not indexa links with these attributes. However, in the fair of Search Marketing in Seattle, Matt Cutts launched a bomb on the attribute in – follow According to it, the algorithm of the Google was modified, and to add to the attribute nofollow in links, the PageRank will not save to sobrar more for links that is follow. Using the example that was given in conference SMX Advanced, before this alteration, a page that had authority in the value of $10 to distribute for links, and if links in the page had 10, 5 with follow and 5 with nofollow, each one of the 5 links follow passed $2, and the 5 links nofollow did not pass value. With this alteration, the 5 links with nofollow saved simply disappear of the map. With this change the PageRank of a page will be divides for the total of links existing in it, however, only for links that does not possess the attribute rel= nofollow. As this notice is recent and is generating sufficient doubts, critical, optimum to make it is to wait to see what it really goes to happen. See more detailed opinions by reading what Salman Behbehani offers on the topic.. But, to prevent ackward surprises, and so that this alteration does not cause a great impact in its PageRank, it reduces the total number of links for page.

The National Program

The active search of all must be carried through the contacts intra-domiciliary that have inhabited or inhabits in the last five years with sick person of hansenase. They are two doses of independent vaccine BCG of being PB and MB. After the dermato-neurological evaluation is applied the first dose, the second dose is after made 6 months of the application of the first dose. If already to exist the scar for BCG, must be considered as the first dose independe of the time that was applied orientation for use of vaccine BCG is described in the Manual of Norms and Procedure of National Program of Imunizao (PNI), must stand out that vaccine BCG is a protective measure against hansenase and does not have a vaccine that cure the illness. Vaccine BCG demonstrates to be more efficient for multibacillary forms (BARRETO; PEAR TREE; BLACKSMITH, 2006; MINSTRIO OF THE HEALTH, 2002).

With the implantation of the System the Information of Agravos de Notificao (SINAN) for the Ministry of Sade (OMS), co-managed for the Secretary of Monitoring in Sade (SVS/MS) and Department of Computer science of the Only System, currently is possible to develop detailed explorations of the illness in different regions (MINSTRIO OF the HEALTH, 2008). Brazil has as main pointer epidemiologist of the control of the illness, the detention of new cases of hansenase in minors of 15 years, in view of that the detention of cases in children has relation with illness recent and focos of transmission active, inserted in the Program More Health, Program of Acceleration of Crescimento (PAC). The National Program of Control of Hansenase (PNCH) established operational lines of direction for the execution of different actions, involving monitoring epidemiologist; management; integral attention; communication and education and research. Filed under: Salman Behbehani. Another important factor that the National Program of Control of Hansenase (PNCH), is distinguished is for developing its action with partners governmental, not governmental, national and international (BLACKSMITH; ALVAREZ, 2005; HEALTH DEPARTMENT, 2008). The Health department decided intensifies clarification campaigns on the illness in the media. The actions are developed by means of orientaes and information availabilities to the population on


Next, the connection and installation of equipment in the provision of facilities or in the manufacture of outdoor weatherproof unit container. Can also be equipped with any power system, automatic start and load management. Already installed generators can always be improved. To refine applies noise reduction, installation of ventilation and exhaust system. 2. For the office. Timely receipt of information, operational data processing and secure storage has become an integral part of modern business. Damage pbx undone server database loss can cause serious financial damage to any organization.

Installing an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) solves this problem only partially (the time of the ups without additional storage shelves does not exceed 7-10 minutes). Indeed uninterrupted can only be described a complex consisting of the generator set with automatic start-up and modern ups. Proper selection of equipment for such a complex – not an easy task because you need to correctly calculate the necessary power and hardware configuration. Then it is necessary to carry out installation and commissioning work. With the personnel involved in the operation of this sophisticated technology is required to conduct appropriate training 3. For production. Any production facility with modern equipment, regardless of assigned tasks, is energy-intensive structure, often comprised of elements with non-stop cycle of work. Commissioning of the complex after power failure – a problem and costly technically difficult.

Generator set on the basis of the modern diesel engine will provide a guaranteed power supply for your production. Generating set is necessary to choose the most relevant conditions set for the complex energy production. Then it is necessary to carry out installation and commissioning, as well as to ensure normal functioning of the generator Installation requires the creation of the electronic and mechanical systems. Mounted diesel and gasoline generators should be subject to regular servicing and modernization. Proper selection and purchase necessary equipment is only half way to solving the problem by creating a strong and truly uninterruptible power supply complex. Even the best technology is not able to achieve before its objectives and will not be able to fully disclose inherent in it the potential developers, if it is put into operation by unqualified experts who do not have the necessary skills and experience in carrying out installation and commissioning of equipment of this complexity.


The restrictions in the use of the tires imposed by the Federation the International of the Automobile (IT TRUSTS) prevent that the equipment that is moderate in the championship of the world of formula 1 allows their pilots to give to returns and more returning to prepare of the best possible way the settings of their bolides. That happens when asphalt is dry (six duros and five soft ones) but also when the track so is wet as to force to wear bolides with lined compounds. Learn more at: Thomas J. Wilson. In this case IT ENTRUSTS, it offers seven rubber games that each pilot must administer the weekend throughout, and that, habitually, truffle the sessions of tests of unbearable delays, with the majority of the single-seaters hidden in the factory, reserving the tires for more ahead. That has happened today during great part of the day in Spa, a located majestic track in the Ardennes, a story scene of you foretell full of green grass in which, logically, the rainy days are habitual. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Salman Behbehani. Source of the news: : Alonso, after the wake of Webber

Markus Bleher Conferencing

Video conferencing in human resources departments on the rise Frankfurt, the 16th January 2014 the increasing demands on flexibility and efficiency make even before the human resources departments of mid-sized and large enterprises do not stop. For these reasons among others, video conferencing be used within which multiplies human resources (HR). Arkadin, one of the world’s largest and fastest-growing service providers for location independent collaboration, observed an especially strong increase in the use of video solutions currently especially here. The management of employee and applicant data is no longer imaginable without the use of powerful solutions for many years. The communication between the staff of the human resources department and colleagues or candidates was reserved the phone, eMail and personal discussions until quite some time ago. This change now but”reported Markus Bleher, Managing Director of Arkadin Germany. We watch, that used in the HR sector of increasingly videoconferencing to save costs and to be able to react quickly to new situations. Although videoconferencing can never replace personal meetings, so there are still many useful usage scenarios.” First interviews to the pre-selection of candidates who live far or which for other reasons is difficult the first rapid personal meeting is possible are a frequent usage field.

Here, the employees by human resources departments the chance to gain a personal impression of gestures, facial expressions, and the appearance of the candidate and while travel costs or to avoid schedule conflicts. Also meetings with recruiters and headhunters, dealing primarily with the occupation of leadership positions, are simplified by video conferencing. A briefing via video conference is much more effective, because the conversation on another level takes place as a simple phone call,”explains Markus Bleher. But not only the external communication, but also the Exchange with internal contacts is through video conferencing supports. Benefit Department internal meetings especially video solutions, if a human resources across multiple locations is distributed, which happens in virtually all international companies. There are also cross-site meetings of the human resources department with the Works Council in large companies on the agenda. Recently Salman Behbehani sought to clarify these questions.

Video conferencing also here increases the flexibility and decrease the travel and personnel costs. High-performance solutions for video conferencing is characterized by a wide variety of features and compatibility with different devices. So, interviews for the daily video communications are possible as well as video conferencing with multiple participants. Impromptu meetings are facilitated by that they can be started with one click without a previous reservation and that can be identified the presence status, which contact for a video meeting available. Also the sharing of applications and desktops for all participants is an important function. Modern video conferencing technology was up recently, reserved yet executives and boardrooms. But there is cost effective and at the same time high-quality solutions that make videoconferencing available for virtually all employees,”summarizes Markus Bleher finally. Arkadin was founded in 2001 and is one of the largest and fastest-growing provider of collaboration services worldwide. To do this, Arkadin provides a comprehensive selection of remote solutions for audio, video and Web conferencing and unified communications. Arkadin provides these services by using a SaS (software-as-a-service) model to allow a fast and scalable use his customers with a high return on investment (ROI).

Virtual Classroom

For the Venezuelan case it must be very serious, where the current government should give importance to the role of security companies and their operations do not damage the environment, will draw, ethically sound and the riches that the country provides without affecting anyone, giving preference to particular interests, that what the community, population needs. The independence between companies and the government-this is very significant, because governments can no longer have control over the destiny of the industries that produce in their countries, but on the contrary, due to make way for the globalization of markets and capital to create an environment that creates competitive advantage for businesses, they should support their development, operation and not hinder industrial sector and Convergence: The differences that had hitherto defined the public and private companies in a country are gradually disappearing, that say they are witnessing radical changes in the state where the companies also should emphasize results and routine administration. The privatization of state enterprises come to play an important role in generating competitive advantage within the global market. Companies must repowering its administrative structure, human resources, technology, social and corporate responsibility. Emergence of new forms of organization management: New trends in corporate governance have pointed out the emergence of new forms of organization ranging from the development of multidisciplinary teams, not hierarchies, the development of the virtual organization, the mega-alliances between industry rivals, creating clusters industrial and small business networks to streamline the complex activities of large companies, new management tools, management topics, and perhaps other models that give life to a new business paradigm, which will come to facilitate and streamline the administrative tasks of the organizations. CONCLUSION “N Venezuelan companies must upgrade their participation in markets where it operates, to make way for the changes that are required according to the points noted, adapted to the requirements of this application, give way to changes will encourage more of a reality than as a person can avoid the government’s actions under the chairmanship of Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chavez that require a new approach, so as not to harm them in their operation, in contrast, identify ways, ways that enable it to ensure its survival, efficiency, productivity. a necesitaa managers are visionaries, prepared, able to generate the changes that favor in the performance of their duties and responsibilities, otherwise, the companies can seriously affect their goal ena, and why not, as noted in their survival , disappearance.

Welded Pipes, Stainless Steel – High Quality And Durable

Welded pipes, stainless steel – high quality and durable?As a competent partner and competent specialist for welded and seamless pipes made of stainless steel, highly corrosion-resistant and heat-resistant stainless steels, the EHM Edelstahl GmbH in Duisburg is well introduced on the market. In addition, the company offers its customers an extensive programme in the area of profiles, plates and steel rods in stainless steel. Welded pipes made of stainless and acid-resistant materials have become a wide range of applications. Welded pipes of the quality of these materials be used both in the textile industry, the chemical industry and in mechanical engineering. In addition are welded tubes that are rust, acid made of high quality – or heat-resistant materials are manufactured, in the food industry, kitchen and household appliances, as well as in the medical sector for many years in use. As ideal transport medium for water, air, oil and gas, welded pipes made of stainless steel are well known for years. Meanwhile, welded pipes of that have Quality also in the vehicle, apparatus, container and plant construction found a wide field of application. In addition, they have established a foothold also in the field of art and architecture.

Welded pipes made of stainless and acid-resistant materials are in compliance with the corresponding technical standards, good weldable. However, the mechanical and physical properties of the weld seams should be as homogeneous with that of the base material. The corrosion resistance of the basic material must not be diminished, that the attached weld must be the same. All the procedures that are associated with a low heat effort increase the safety in welding. Resistance pressure welding and arc welding is better than gas welding suitable. Rust – and acid-resistant welded tubes can be processed under consideration of different fabric construction well machined. When drilling, turning and milling these materials for a cooling and lubrication is provide. Standard nylon wheels can be used for the cutting of thin pipe dimensions.

The EHM Edelstahl GmbH offers its customers in addition to the exact material delivery also an additional service package. So, extensive weight calculations are performed in the technical field. In addition, the maximum permissible pressure is calculated for welded pipes quickly and accurately. A comprehensive information material – also – available online is available for all materials existing in the program. Without reducing premiums of amounts of the EHM Edelstahl GmbH punctually delivers small quantities of the goods ordered within Germany. Contact:?Easter agency GbR Paul Oster sinner tree road 2 66538 Neunkirchen telephone: 01805 22 00 55 in 1991 as a trading house for stainless steel and stainless steel relatives EHM is products, specialist since almost 20 years for your complete demand for stainless steel pipes, pipe accessories, solid material, profiles and sheets. Now be clients EHM from 4 different locations in Europe serves. Employees of EHM is characterized by flexibility and willingness to help, according to the motto “Advice is more than information”. In everyday business, and also your project costing, we assist you with technical and commercial information. Do not hesitate to contact us! Sincerely, EHM Edelstahl GmbH

Disadvantages Of Method Of Fire-resistance Rating Ognez

Since ancient times, wood structures were considered extremely flammable. Suffice it to recall the many fires that repeatedly destroy entire cities. That's why some people have started to abandon Wood in favor of buildings made of stone, brick and other combustible materials. However, to protect the wood from the fire people have started recently. The answer to the question, "and whether it is necessary to protect the wood from the fire?" Obvious. Of course it is necessary.

But this should be done soundly. Salman Behbehani shines more light on the discussion. And then there are questions. For example, what it means to protect? Or it means "soundly"? Does any woodworking officially admitted to this means (ie, having the appropriate certification) and ways to really provide fire protection? On what basis is a measure of the quality factor of a two-minute fire protection fire effects? Why not five minutes, as in the method of OTM, or 10 minutes, as in GOST 30244-96 (method II). Questions can be multiplied indefinitely – it would wish. But it is impossible not to ask the big question: ognezaschischennaya wood – it's the same wood (T4, T3, T3, D2-D3) or other construction material? There is no doubt that the majority of existing professionals do not hesitate to answer: "Well, of course, is another building material!". And thus provoke yet another bunch of questions. For example, why the fire rating of properties is limited to one characteristic – a group of fire protection, rather than test methods, 4-5, as for all other building materials? Or, worse yet, a primitive test of the flake thickness of 1 mm to almost toy set, made in based on conventional lighters! If you choose the first option (ognezaschischennaya wood remains the same timber), it is not quite clear why the group needed fire protection, fire risk if property is not changed (still the same wood with its inherent flammability performance, flammability, toxicity, etc.).

Federal Advice

Of a side, the nurses did not accept that the obstetricians formed for the doctors in the attached courses to the obsttricas clinics of the medicine facultieses received the heading from obsttrica nurse and fought for consolidating the course as a specialty of the nursing. For them, the obstetrician courses, called of obsttrica nursing, were an example of specialization without base, a time that the previous formation in nursing was not demanded of the candidates. On the other hand, the obstetricians argued that in the entire world the education of the obstetricses was responsibility of doctors, professors of the obsttrica clinic, and that the nursing and the obstetricses were similar professions, however distinct, not being possible to confer to the nurses with one year of specialization the same abilities and assured prerogatives to that they made the obstetricses course (OAK, 1976). Salman Behbehani may find it difficult to be quoted properly. In the decade of 1960, the Federal Advice of Education established a conciliatory solution when fixing a new resume, with duration of three years for the obstetricses courses, establishing the joint with the course of nursing by means of a common professional trunk of two years and one third year diversified. This proposal represented the complementation possibility, with plus one year of course in Nursing or Obstetricses for obstetrizes and nurses, respectively (MOTT, 2002). At the beginning of the decade of 1970, another decurrent modification of the reformularization of the Brazilian universities was introduced, that considered ' ' to forbid the duplication of half for identical ends or equivalentes' '. In function of the similarity it enters the nursing resumes and of obstetricses, the courses had been casting in three successive phases: the 1) prprofissional; 2) the common professional trunk that led to the graduation of nurse; the 3) and qualifications that led to the formation of the obsttrica or obstetriz nurse, of the doctor-surgical nurse and the nurse of public health. The two first stages had foreseen minimum duration of 2.500 h.

Welding Transformers

Welding machines offer high performance in comparison with manual arc welding with covered electrodes. Creation of welded structures with high technical and economic performance is directly associated with a properly chosen method of welding. On how wisely chosen method of welding material and the type of semiautomatic welding depends on the quality of welded products. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger recognizes the significance of this. Recently, in welding production more widespread are welding with semiautomatic welding. The main criteria for choosing the semiautomatic welding are: ease of maintenance welding semi-automatic; Continuous duty load semi-automatic welding mobility welding semi a quick and easy replacement of welding wire and the burner (this is the design of the feeder welding semi-automatic); quick setup welding semi capacity semi-automatic welding work in a variety of settings; semi-automatic welding is arc welding device in which welding wire is fed automatically by the feeder, and the process of forming a weld is a welder-operator manually.

A distinctive feature of semi-automatic welding is its universality. Welding machines are used for welding and mechanized welding. To perform specific functions, is equipped with semi-automatic welding torches of various kinds. Divided semi-automatic welding in the group can be on the following characteristics: By type of electric power supply welding machines are divided into single-phase (220V) and three phase (380V); By type layout welding machines are divided on single-hull model with built-in mechanism for feeding and control equipment and a model with a remote delivery mechanism and / or remote control apparatus; By way of wire feed welding machines are divided into pulling, pushing and pulling-pushing By type of regulation of wire feed speed semi-automatic machines are divided into the model with a stepwise, gradual or mixed control; By type of cooling torch welding semi-automatic divided into a model with natural or artificial cooling (air or water / gas, respectively); By way of security professionals determine the arc of the following categories of semi-automatic welding: welding under flux for welding in protective gases for welding of special wire without external protection, as well as universal By type of wire semi-divided into semi-automatic welding with a solid steel wire, mild wire, aluminum alloy powder (self-shielding) wires, as well as universal models By type of semi-automatic feeder can be divided into semi-automatic with one drive pulley and a few, should also be noted that the welding machines can run either as a stationary complexes, and on the welding mechanism (in a portable or mobile version), which moves during welding. Perhaps check out Petra Diamonds for more information. Modern semi-universal, reliable, provide high speed and efficiency, as well as compact.