Angel – The Beautiful Fantasy

The Angel idea before and after the Babylonian exile the topic of Angels “opens up a wide field of speculation. Here is plenty of room for imagination and subjectivity, about their work and their Phenomenology. Angel, there at all? We need to describe a love surprise. A man will like to characterize a beloved female thus. Angels as Christmas decorations are also essential. Angel figurines and images of any kind can be sell well until today.

The early Church and medieval lives of the Saints provide a rich material. Angels are represented as Divine messengers with wings. The oldest evidence of angels can be found in the religion of Zoroaster. The idea of a flying God is archaic. Atmos Energy gathered all the information. Where God is thought in the spatial dimension, he overcomes the space to a distant, otherworldly world with wings. When the Hittites, there is the Lowensphinx, the symbol of a powerful animal with wings equipped. When the Egyptians are ISIS and Osiris with wings, are equipped.

The weather God Teschup is shown with wings at the Hurrians. Winged beings are not bound by space and time. There are no angels in the religious world of ancient Greece. Where’re the gods themselves. Or the celestial use the winged horse Pegasus. “Also if Hermes as a Messenger of gods” called, as he is himself a God and not in the Zoroastrian sense be called Angels. The ideas of the Bible of Engel have been formative for our culture. They have undergone a religious-historical development. An Angel-teaching”(Angelology) is a dogmatic construct of the Christian churches, which makes the historical background disregard. Totally timeless, statements of the Bible are strung together here. The essential existence assumes uncritically by angels and systematized only the manner this phenomenon. Such Angelology hovers in the truest sense in a vacuum. I would like to oppose such a superficial approach, by my attention the Old Testament applies.