Government Economic

To call " golpista" to the field or the independent press it supposes to assimilate them to the worse one of the imaginable sins in a democratic system. Click source to learn more. He is inadmissible and disloyal the invention of a coup d’etat like tool to impose criterion in a political fight. In its news article the nation emphasizes the Newspaper, that the practice par excellence than could denominate the invention coup participant recognizes different antecedents. But one of the most remembered took place with the estalinismo, in Russia, where it did not spend a year without, overnight, the government, with the purpose of to eliminate the dissidents, would announce the existence of a plot. It is known that, with his denunciations on coup d’etat mentality, the Government lies knowingly, with the conviction that always it will be something in the unconscious group. To invent blows or to appeal to nazism to describe the ruralitas leaders only reveals a level of inadvisable hatred if it thinks about governing for all the Argentineans.

We add this is very worrisome, knowing to the history of the coup d’etats in Argentina and the sensitivity of the Argentineans, who per decades been have put under political and economic instability, than represents them hearing the words of Coup d’etat. I consider, that the present Government had to handle better its speech and to avoid that the political structures are desquebrajen that can take passage to conflicts that can affect the economic stability of the country. It must his president and its work party exhaust all route of dialogue and reach agreements that allow to retake the economic course, of peace that the country needs. To accuse the four leaders of the organizations of the field who head the fight against resolution 125 of not to be voted by anybody, besides incorrect, conceals the great hypocrisy: perhaps or Nstor Kirchner was chosen to the front of the Justicialista Party by the vote of the affiliates? The intention to offend and to divide cannot be disguised with the repeated mention of the word " amor" in mouth of the members of the Kirchner marriage in its last acts witnessed by notary public.