Knowledge Administrators

This will facilitate resource planning systems, as well as help in analyzing its performance. "I have nothing to do with it! If the request is not working properly, it is Developer problem "Sometimes, between developers and administrators there are some misunderstandings. As a result, instead of jointly find a solution to the problem, then begins a long and nowhere resulting in scapegoating. Confrontational relationship between developers and administrators significantly slow down the upgrade of the system and do not contribute to its performance. Rules: Pick up database administrators, who understand that working as a team with developers, they provide technical support included in their area . team spirit. DBA should be actively involved in every project, not just superficially on a case by sluchayu.Vklyuchite the job description of a database administrator, as one of the major duties, support the developers.

If it is clearly stated in its work and is tied to performance, the administrator will be motivated to perform this duty well. "I know what I'm doing and I do not need anybody's help" Database administration is becoming more of a challenge, even the most experienced administrators can not know all the details. When the administrator thinks he knows everything, he does not ask questions, so that transmits useful information that he could get from others. Rules: Cultivate a culture of interaction, in which the administrator is able to admit he did not know the answer, and must apply for pomoschyu.Predlagayte administrators participate in professional forums, so that they could ask their questions there to answer questions of others to express and test their assumptions or to arrange "brainstorming." Knowledge and experience of one Rights can not be compared with knowledge and experience even a small group of technical support lyudey.Ne neglect purchased hardware and software provided by their developers.