True prosperity must necessarily be accompanied by this extraordinary habit and custom, enjoy the journey, of the way in pursuit of your dreams.Life is made of thousands, millions of present, eternal moments that ultimately is the only thing that we always have.We establish us goals, we have projects, we have dreams, but every day is what can really enjoy.We do not know if tomorrow we’ll be there, really do not know, what if we possess is the eternal now.I wonder then what should we do?, well, have very clear goals and objectives, but that the attainment and achievement thereof shall not prevent us savour the delights of the present, if we do not do this, the only thing that can happen and that will indeed happen is that when you get to the goal you feel a great vacuum. This means that cultivate the presence, be present in every step we take in our journey on Earth, have meaning and be holy.You will definitely not regret live this way. Apart from that live in the now, and enjoy it fully, you prevents falling a victim of your own ego.If you enjoy every day with your children, your family, your friends, with your own no matter what happens, pain less since that will be not forgotten to live fully every moment that will give you the Lord, concerned of your loved ones, your partner, your friends and family, why is very important to cultivate the good habit of enjoy the process. Hug our children, sit and talk every day, see you in the eyes and not allow that the runs runs all day prevents us savor the gift of the present. You know? today only today we have that opportunity tomorrow do not know.He has always accompanied me this thought seeks first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all the other are you dara in addition. This word of God has helped me in the time I’ve had to prioritize, I always wonder in a situation, where I have to decide, something important that God I do want in his Kingdom, and also attached to his justice, and generally the responses have nothing to do with what the world says that you should do, towards where you have to move, usually are other priorities of God, but those are those that allow you enjoy the process, and the results, these priorities, despaegarte of the Kingdom of God are those that invite you to ignore a banality, running after the wind and do hand part at the moment with what eventually reported you a benefit more beyond what our small mind We can communicate.I then invite you to enjoy your trip and your processes….