Site Statistics

We have already mentioned in passing that, according to the company, professional statistics should not be reduced to obtain records of attendance of your site. Therefore, in the final package were introduced additional features. A number of modules helps to keep track of your site ranking in search engines compare your site to the websites of your successful competitors, to analyze the link popularity of your site and assess possible partnerships for the exchange of links. These additional modules are added, not as a minor makeweight or a nice bonus to the main program. Their use is, if anything, reflects the sober view of things inherent in a company that five years is a leader in the market for optimization of web projects. Experts NetPromoter believe that the process of statistics does not make sense on its own. Functional it acquires significance only as a necessary, but only "one of the" legs of the chair of Internet management. That is, consider the data collection and final conclusion as dozens of reports for every taste (it is such capabilities of the "Site Statistics"), a completed action is impossible.

Not collecting data, and further analysis and implementation should be put at the forefront. All products are compatible and successfully complementary. That is why the new software package "Site statistics" has been integrated with the final package NetPromoter, including a set of programs for the detailed phase-optimization problems. Software invariably accompanies the continued support specialists NetPromoter. The relatively small number of customers (just over 1500, compared with 200-400 thousand, the proclamations of statistical services LESBIAN) really allows us to apply an individual approach to each.