
The opening of the border, for the joint migration of force of work and capital ' ' beyond having promoted the reordenamento space, it was responsible for the construction of one of the chapters bloodiest of its histria' '. (SOUZA, 2002, P. 20). This space reordenamento can also be understood, as the creation and the growth of the urban space in specific points of the Amaznia. Changing in small, the state investments had been destined the existing cities already, or for creation of new nuclei, if not forgetting the initial agricultural settling. This because the success of this process was eminently on to the force of work of the migrantes that guaranteed the sustentation and expansion of what Becker (1997) flame of governmental border, where the State made responsible for the construction of the necessary infrastructure, as: roads, ports, railroads and nets of communication.

The construction of this infrastructure was dependent of the mobile work, that is, was paid wages to the permanent or temporary constructors, thus producing, a strategy of feeding them without giving to access the land. This was a way to produce artificially the excess of the man power in the Amaznia and to diminish the existing tensions, mainly north-eastern of Brazil. In this way, the decurrent problems of the expropriation and difficulties of access the land in other parts it country, had resulted in an increasing migration for the Paraense Southeast. The urban nucleus of Is Domingos starts to receive part from these migrantes and starts, of slow form, to appear the first outlying areas in the mentioned city. 4. The URBANIZATION AND ITS EFFECT IN the CITY OF ARE DOMINGOS OF the ARAGUAIA to accomplish the urbanization that was one of the basic strategies for the project of development of the Amaznia, together with the border politics, had been necessary investments in the small cities and the creation of new polar regions, attracting a great amount of people of the other Brazilian regions.