Decades of 1960 and 1970, asociedade believed that the natural resources were inexhaustible, but ahead dasrpidas occured changes for the technician-scientific revolution, the sprouting not governmental deinstituies and the diverse ambient problems and sociaisalcanaram global ratios, all these factors, to only cite some, had provided changes of opinions on the said economic development and dares of the natural resources. Atecnologia of the communication, especially, saw satellite of transmission of dadoscontriburam so that the society had greaters information of the world that arodeia, the spreading of ambient catastrophes for the television, the latent problemassociais, especially, of health had changed the behavior and visodo world on the actions implemented for the economic groups of produzirriqueza using indiscriminately the natural resources. In this in case that, we must detach the importance of the paper of the ONGs, to demand of the public power, ainterferncia in this process with the purpose to create a legislaoespecfica, to monitor the companies who direct or indirectly transform natural osrecursos into property partnerships e, still of a systematic form to study, to get given and information that subsidize the adequate use of the nature and suapreservao taking itself in account the social equity. The new technologies associates to the change in the concepohumana of the inexhaustability of the natural resources had been basic for osurgimento of two great sources one ‘ ‘ desenvolvimentista’ ‘ , that if preocupacom ‘ ‘ pessoas’ ‘ that it has necessities of if feeding, dressing, of living and avertente ‘ ‘ ambientalista’ ‘ that it more has the concern directed toward the aspectopreservacionista. These two sources disputed in the field politician-econmicoos ways to be trod for the humanity. During many years amongst one of the words more utilizadaspelos governments had been development and progress, as the flag brasileiraque represents this golden period of the economic growth.