Portuguese Language

Ahead of such consideraes, we will leave of the following problematizao: one knows that the pupils of the final series of Average Ensino suffer with an imbalance how much to the development of its abilities of reading interpretation of texts. What if it considers is the application of some concepts of the Analysis of Speech as alternative of activities in the field of the reading, so that if searchs a possibility of reversion in the educational picture that today meets deficit. It was verified, as survey of the Ministry of the Education, that in the national evaluations, such as Brazil Test, Saeb, Enem and Pisa, only 5% of the Brazilian students present adequate level of reading, that is, know to deal with more complex operations, as to relate a verbal text and a not-verbal text, to interpret given in a graph or prices, to establish cause relations and effect, to relate knowledge of disciplines the knowledge of another one, beyond perceiving the implicit ideas of a text. Considering itself that the reading is the tool most important to decide questions of Portuguese language not only, but of you discipline them to all, is important that the pupil, from it, can work with operations as to compare, to relate, to infer, to conclude, to deduce, to contextualizar etc. We will leave, therefore, of the problematizao of the function of the language to reach the questions of speech and subjectivity for, later, offering proposals of analysis script and, when establishing relations between practical theory and, constructing reflections on the utility that such script can come to offer to the education of Portuguese Language in Average Ensino.

2. DEFINING ANALYSIS OF the DISCURSOAnlise of the Speech or Analysis of Speeches it is an one practical and field of the Lingustica and the communication specialized in analyzing ideological constructions gifts in a text. Very it is used, for example, to analyze texts of the media and the ideologies that bring I obtain.